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The religion of Muslim people, who believe in the Koran and the prophet Mohammed. Most smart people can identify them as loving, caring, and generous people. Sadly, most people aren't smart and associate Muslims with extremist terrorist groups. Don't believe that! It's a lie.

Jewish and Christian guy: Hey Mohammed!
Muslim guy: What's up guys?
Stupid guy: Aren't you a terrorist? Stupid Islam.
Muslim: No
Jew and Christian: Pick up a Koran idiot. There's nothing violent in it. We can all coexist.

by bfgcxcrtgtf January 30, 2015

677👍 255👎


Islam means the religion of peace. A person following Islam will find that he or she is surrounded by noble teachings, the aim of which is to establish peace between man and Allah, the Creator of all;between man and man; and between man and the rest of Allah’s creation.How does such a religion deal with the issue of terrorism? And what does the word terrorist mean? Dictionaries will define a terrorist as one who systematically uses violence and intimidation to achieve political ends –or one who controls or forces others to do something by violence, fear or threats.All these definitions are covered by two words in the Holy Qur’an, the sacred book of Islam: Fitnah and Ikrñh.In the Holy Qur’an, God begins to deal with the issue of terrorism by teaching Muslims never to become terrorists in the first place.Two of the very first verses of our Holy Book say: ‘Al-Fitnatu ashad-du minal qatl’ –meaning that in the sight of Allah, ‘persecution, or making people constantly fear for their lives, is much worse than killing’. And also:‘Lñ ikrñha fid-dün’–‘There shall be no compulsion in religion’, that is to say,that no one has the right to force others into complying with their demands or compelling others to follow their line of thinking.Allah reminds us that it is those who have abandoned Him and thrown away all good, and divested themselves of every shred of human decency, that are the ones who will eventually resort to terrorizing others,forcing them into complying with their demands.

Islam in life: One day he found a mother bird beating her wings on the ground in distress. He asked his companions: ‘Who has done this?’ They said: ‘We took her young ones out of her nest.’ The Holy Prophet (pbh) said: ‘Restore them to her. No mother must be tormented on account of her child.’On another occasion, he found one of his companions setting fire to an anthill. He immediately told them to put out the fire saying: ‘No one has the right to torment others with fire.’As Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an that the true believers are: ‘those who suppress their anger and forgive people’, likewise, the Holy Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: ‘Allah is Gentle and loves gentleness in all things. Make things easy and do not make them hard. And cheer people up and do not repel them.’It is clear that the true believers and all other good, honest people are always on the receiving end of terrorism, never on the delivering end. Whenever such tendencies appear in society by which the peace is being disturbed and people cannot live their lives without fear, Muslims are enjoined to counter them first of all by reasoning with those responsible for the disturbance. The Holy Qur’an says:Call unto the way of your Lord that is the way of justice and goodness with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in a way that is best. (Ch.16: v.126)

by Muslimahh October 27, 2013

640👍 234👎


Islam is a peaceful religion whose teachings was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in 610 A.D. in Cave Hira, Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This monotheistic faith praises 'Allah' as their god and worships him five times a day.
No Muslim is allowed to kill an innocent person, particularly another Muslim. Otherwise they would not be Muslim.

Since Islam means 'submission to the will of God', God (or Allah) wills that we DO NOT slaughter people unjustly, nor be a threat.
The thing I dislike about other people (and the media) is that they blame ISLAM for terrorism, not the people. It is wrong to judge a religion by the minority of its people, particularly evil. Studies show that over 99% of Muslims are peaceful and incline to good works. Only less than 0.1% have an extremist mindset. Another thing is that if a Muslim committed a terrorist attack, he is FIVE TIMES more likely to be hated than a normal atheist bomber. If you want proof that Islam is peaceful, STUDY THE QUR'AN!
So, in conclusion, Islam is a peaceful monotheistic religion whose people incline to justice, equality, patience, tolerance and many other desirable attributes in order to please the people.

Islam is the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah.

by True_Muslim_07 April 15, 2018

229👍 83👎


Differently than what most people believe, islam is pretty much like any other religion if you look at it's contents. The problem is with it's ignorant followers. Many muslims do not even bother to read their holy book and believe themselves to know everything they are supposed to. Meanwhile they are being manipulated by people who can actually use their brains. They do not question anything related to their beliefs, thus taking everything that is told them to be accurate.

Islam is being misunderstood because of the ignorancy of it's own people.

by ばら May 9, 2018

259👍 92👎


A religion of peace where it’s believers worship only one God. The word Islam means voluntary “Submission” or “Surrender” to the Will of God. It derives from the root word “salam,” meaning peace. In Islam, you do not have to worry about what others think, it frees you from the chains of society.

Person #1 : “ why is Islam such a violent religion?”

Person #2 : “ Hey, don’t believe everything you read in the media. In Islam if you kill an innocent soul it’s as if you’ve killed the whole of humanity. It’s a religion that rewards you just for smiling. So how can it be a religion of hate?”

by TrueOne February 13, 2018

446👍 154👎


A religion that teaches peace, kindness and righteousness. It is often wrongfully associated with violence.

In Islam, even a simple smile is a good deed.

by Juiletterosefr March 26, 2014

791👍 281👎


A religion made look messed up on UD by perverted minds using fabricated verses from the Koran and taking historic events in the wrong context.

Dude A: Dude this Urban Dictionary is awesome.
Dude B: Yeah. except for one thing. They have "tall, dark and awesome" for Christians and "terrorists and pedophiles" for Muslims.
Dude A: May be its true.
Dude B: Dude. 22% of the world's population are following Islam. Im pretty sure we'd be fucked by now if there were that many terrorists and pedophiles living in the world.

by watsmynamedoood December 28, 2011

722👍 257👎