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Usually dates people named Max. Is nice to everyone and likes chocolate milk.

Look at Italia, she is giving her chocolate milk to Max.

by Nh3262007 November 21, 2019

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


she is a really shy girl and has a body but doesn’t show it off like she should, has a big heat for italian boys !!!

italia you’re so sweet

by liciousdaddy34 March 24, 2019


Italia;A somewhat cocky female,she is not afraid to tell you off ! She has a habit in stealing other females property,she has sexy scandalous curves (only on the internet) and will leave you for another man in a snap of a finger if you act up,she has a girly side and is attractive to girls as much as guys and she has beautiful long black hair and big puckered lips ready to eat you up !She loves to have a good time and enjoys going to partys and eating food she also enjoys sex ! And let me tell you ,she loves three somes and is ready for freaky sexy juicy interaction,she is not a good friend because she loses her tempure so therefore people can't put up with her !,She's basic like other girls and usually makes stupid choices she'll regret but she makes them anyways ,She loves to talk to multiple guys and she does not belive in love,they have taken advantage of her so many times and shes use to it,Italia is a iconic being and loves to look like other people,she lets society think for her and often finds herself doing things others do and she does not enjoy them but continues anyway to be accepted and have more fruends,she usually cannot go into public with out a face of paint because she is not that attractive,she depends herselfs ego on make up and usually wears too much ,But its okay !,Italia is Iconic!

Boy 1-woah shes hot
Boy 2-ew watch out bro,thats Italia
Boy 1-oh nevermind

by Linda Green March 16, 2017

7πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A big cow

I saw a italia at school

by Ududfiufifufydtdydudur September 22, 2021

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A girl who has lips lookin like a babboon ass and thinks they're hot. She's terrible in bed, her snatch smells like fish & her ass is not worth the Chlamydia you'll end up with after you f-+k it. Low class basic bitch who will die as poor as she was when she was born. A nobody with no body that nobody can love.

If you see Italia run she got stank breath and is looking to get laid!

by Lastlaughs0214 January 8, 2018

4πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


it is a close net family with an italian heritage. powerful influences a well conected with powerful people. san jose ca.

zamira papa joe zamira/italia 2010 donna jimmy frankie barry and joey

by bubbaluke May 3, 2010

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

jen italia

Girl named Jen or Jennifer that fucks Italian guys

A Jen that takes a big dick

A Jen that’s not Italian but likes the stallion

I think she sleeps with Italian guys. She’s a Jen italia

Tony got a big dong his Jen italia loves it

Jennifer is such a Jen italia she loves the guido burrito

by Jen italia May 26, 2020

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž