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When someone has more than one favorite team in the same sport.

Chris: I hope my Raiders and 49ers win today!

Manuel: bro quit acting like a Jenner pick one team already.

by Juar3zai September 3, 2015

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


When a man accepts a status as the inferior to his significant other, losing control of his life and becoming an all around pussy. See also bruce jenner.

I've lost control of my life thanks to my girlfriend, basically jennering out of control.

by BruceJenner December 8, 2013

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Dirty, little, white bitches that have black babies right after the pig, of the Kardashian sister’s has one with her 4th Power Forward/Center boyfriend. Also has an Olympic gold medalist dad, that eventually gets his pussy he finally wanted.

Insta Hoe: Kylie and Kendall are the best! Omg!

Real Person: They’re Jenner’s wtf. They’ll probably become men once they hit 30.

by Dezzzzznutzzzzz January 6, 2018

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

hot jenner

When a pre op male to female transsexual, who must have breasts, squats over a waiting partner with a full stomach. As the partner inserts a butt plug into the transsexual partner, that partner begins to masturbate and simultaneously play with her breasts. When climax Is reached on the partners face, either partner removes the butt plug causing an evacuation of the bowels onto a waiting chest (like a Cleveland steamer).

Ronald went to Thailand hoping to find a pre op transsexual willing to perform a hot jenner.

by yeoux mah mah August 25, 2016

86πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Kylie Jenner

a species of Kardashians/Jenner's that took so much lip injections it became a pufferfish with an allergic reaction. It also turned into a piece of plastic before the age of 13.

Regina: i want to turn into a kylie jenner
Sarah: might as well turn into a grocery bag

by πŸ’your local idiot πŸ’ March 26, 2023

79πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Kris Jenner

1. The ultimate pimp who uses her five daughters to obtain mountains of cash by passing them around to various athletes and musicians. And making them pose in age inappropriate clothing for a magazine in Australia.

2. A mother who leaks sex tapes of her children.

1. Kris Jenner is a wonderful mother and wins the mother/madam of the year award.

2. Wow! Your mom released your sex tape too!? Our moms are total Kris Jenners.

by Madambananapeel May 27, 2014

151πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Bruce Jenner

He's dead. Bruce Jenner is dead.

Guy 1: Hey, did you see Bruce Jenner the other day?

Guy 2: Bruce Jenner is dead.

by TheKB321 June 6, 2015

301πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž