Source Code


Part 1: Buff magic sunlight men try to kill a gay vampire.

Part 2: Buff magic sunlight men try to kill huge muscular gay strippers who turn to statues.

Part 3: Buff men with punchy ghosts try to kill the gay vampire from part 1

Part 4: people with punchy ghosts try to kill a serial killer with hand fetish

Part 5: people with punchy ghosts try to kill a trap.

Part 6: people with punchy ghosts try to kill a black priest who is the lover of the same gay vampire from part1 and part 3.

Part 7: A cripple and his BFF with punchy ghosts try to kill the US President

Part 8: A 4 balled amnesic guy and girlfriend having punchy ghosts try to kill a rock with punchy ghosts

Part 9: Drug dealer and trans sibling with punchy ghosts try to get rich

JJBA is the best series ever

by Carl_Johnson August 2, 2023

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jjba reference

a jjba reference is when someone or something is referencing the popular anime Jojo's bizarre adventure

guys the first opening to hunter x hunter has a jjba reference

by NotGoodScience June 24, 2021

JJBA Part Two

Two gay guys fight three stripper gods.

Intellectuals: "Hey, have you seen JJBA Part Two yet?"

Non-intellectuals: "No, JJBA is gay."

Intellectuals: *struggling*

by Cheeseisavalidreligion November 9, 2019

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JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (JJBA)

Peak fiction

Deez Nutz: hey, have you seen JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (JJBA)?

Ben Dover: No

Everybody with taste in anime: watch it

by Jojo is peak November 25, 2021

JJBA: Steel Ball Run

Gay cowboys go on a huge race to stop the president of America from getting the corpse of Jesus Christ himself so America can always win.

Person 1: I’m I. The middle of JJBA: Steel Ball Run and I’m fucking confused.
Person 2: Well, that’s how jojos is.
Person 1: I guess.

by bigarcherahhh March 28, 2022

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the best show in the entire world

What's the best show? Its JJBA.

by freakybungydingy May 24, 2022


A good anime that many call gay

xd jjba

by jjba019876543 February 18, 2021