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Another way of saying drunk, or wasted

Person 1: hey man you drunk?

Person 2: Im kicked bro.

by wildboy22 October 12, 2012

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to be up or hyper (as if on a stimulating drug)

i took some speed and now i am kicked

by jamienicole June 22, 2004

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verb - to be disconnected from an irc/chat/gaming server by the admin for being an asshole or if the server just doesn't like you.

That f4g admin on GameArena kicked me coz I was pwning his 4$$!!!!!11

by Kizza February 6, 2005

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a person who is rancid looking

urgh! shes kicked and i would never blade into her

by Smoke Duster October 9, 2007

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started in carpinteria, california, this is used to describe something positively which is cool or awesome

He got out of jail today, so kicked huh?

by CoolManRenegade December 28, 2010

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Slang for kick-ass, cool, or awesome.

Tim: Did you play the demo for that game?
Sam: Yeah, it was fricking kicked!

by Sinoda July 3, 2006

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Pronounced "kick-ed"; coined in the series "Cry Yourself to Sleep", a video on YouTube created by @rcherStudi0s. Used as a single verb with an accent on the "-ed" and usually no direct object

Well Ryan was angry so he kicked.
You have no reason to kicked.

by โ€ก Laz โ€ก June 19, 2008

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