An idiotic attempt by some public community to make violence in video games seem more severe.
Defined as the "graphic depiction of brutal violence."
These idiots think that giving a bad-sounding name will make parents freak out and start acting out aganist video games.
I got a word for you, 'Stupographic' - the depiction of stupidity in any form of media; eg an article where frightened people make up words to scare the public into submission
Half-Life is a killographic video game.
It even sounds lame
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As pornography is the "graphic depiction of sex," killography is the "graphic depiction of brutal violence."
The game Manhunt is extremely killographic.
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As pornography is the "graphic depiction of sex," killogrpahy is the "graphic depiction of brutal violence."
See protectotard
Manhunt was quite the killographic game.