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Jack Kinsella

A super hot boy with rolls better than the bakery. Everyone should get ins with him

Girl 1 "Is that a bakery"
Girl 2 "Nah its Jack Kinsella"
Girl 1 "Still very hot tho"

by bertythegoaty September 11, 2020

Tom Kinsella

Well known Atlanta transplant whom is active on the Gay Club scene. Setting trends and making it ok to come out of the closet for other men.

Tom Kinsella makes it feel ok to like men.

by Clarence10129 June 22, 2018

Katie Kinsella

A bitch

“Oh look there she is

Katie kinsella and her gay child Herbert

by mlwardx May 30, 2022

Warren Kinsella


1. To accuse people you disagree with of being nazis.

2. To hear white supremacist "dog whistles" in ordinary sounds.


The sudden and passionate embrace of a cause, motivated by financial gain.

No one could understand Bill's rapid onset paranoia. He seemed to be seeing and hearing white supremacism at every turn. It soon became apparent that the phenomenon was a simple case of Warren Kinsella.

by HonkityMcHonkface February 9, 2022

Evie kinsella

Someone who is sexually attracted to boys who love chicken

Samuel: Omg the other day Fred was so aggressive he kept snacking on chicken while in the bedroom. Louisa: dang he rlly pulled an evie kinsella

by Stretchy nipper grippers February 1, 2023