When you're notified of a spelling mistake you've made.
'I just had the worst day.. my hamstre died'
'H A M S T R E'
You got kixxed.
This abbreviation Kick Idiots Xtra Easy (KIXE) is not a common abbreviation on the internet. It is a variant transcription that can be used for trolling or mocking in the gaming community.
I just Kixe them.
KIXE - “Kick Idiots Xtra Easy” - can be used to taunt opponents in a game
A fun person who has a wide but fantastic taste in music. People also really enjoy being around them.
"Wow! What a great song. You are a kix!"
"Thanks bro. I try. If only you could be the same."
like kissing, but more x-rated. Kixx (noun) can also be used
We started kissing, and then we starting kixxing.