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A KKK Klusterfuck, derived from cluster in English and kugel (ball) in German.

Leroy was damned well fed up with the Klan...tonight had turned into a klugle; Beauregard forgot the kerosene, Jerrol forgot the timber and Bubba forgot to get a permit or to notify Channel 33 so they could get the cross-burning on the 10 o'clock news...he was seriously considering moving to Detroit and associate with a better class of people.

by harry flashman July 30, 2003

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Ein Rank in der nationalen sozialistischen Partei zwischen Poobah und Zauberer.

Herr Bubba Bodine wurde zum Klugle gefordert.

by nilpferd July 30, 2003

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A position in the KKK marching band in the wind section. The klugle plays the flugelhorn, an instrument similar to a cornet.

Maynard used to be First Klugle in the Arkadelphia KKK marching band but as the result of a big Hebrew conspiracy was dismissed for playing a kornet instead of a flugelhorn.

by nilpferd July 28, 2003

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A rank in the Ku Klux Klan above kleagle but below moron.

Irvin had earned the rank of klugle back in '63 by shouting abuse at a black 9 year old school girl. The girl is now a circuit court judge in Montgomery while Irvin is still fixing flat tires at A-1 Tire Service & Tanning Boutique in Verbena.

by harry flashman July 20, 2003

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A P-08 Luger pistol, a favorite sidearm of Klansmen that relects their unique American values and politics.

Brandishing his klugle before the crowd, Grand Wizard Purifoy preached tolerance, "We ain't got nothing against Jews, just them SOB's what killed Christ; we ain't got nothing against non-whites, just them what's got the mark of Cain; got nothing against Catholics either, just don't trust folks who don't eat red meat on Friday."

by jorge August 10, 2003