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Kurtis Conner

Awesome guy, who just makes everyone me laugh and is a great youtuber, the mayor of KurtisTown. I am a proud student of Yee Yee University.

"Hey are you subscribed to Kurtis Conner?"
"Yes, Yee Yee University!"

by qgk February 11, 2021

14👍 1👎

Kurtis Conner

awesome fella that always says he doesn't want to hurt someone's feelings but still does that :) he looks like he didn't wash his hair probably for several months but he has so cool t shirts that I can't be mad at him. he has only one serious disadvantage - a girlfriend. so relax and stop adjusting your hair, you, beautiful girl on the other side of the computer screen. (That what would Kurtis say. See? He's really nice!)
The first time I saw his videos was in the Louvre 'cause they are fucking masterpieces
Few people know that Kurtis is the mayor of the KurtisTown - the best place to live and look at the shitty content all over the Inernet

-Do you watch Kurtis Conner's videos?
-Oh that's the one where soft boy claps with reverb and very high saturation?
-You didn't watch his video about soft boys, did you?

by citizen of the KurtisTown July 31, 2019

15👍 4👎

Kurtis Conner

A commentary YouTuber, most likely to make fun or talk shit about people on the internet and watch trashy tv.

Shit... did you see Kurtis Conners new vid..it was the shit!

by Vivian Markley February 19, 2022

kurtis conner

an incredible commentary youtuber/comedian/musician who started on vine. he has a beautiful girlfriend named jenna allard, who he fell in love with after peeing on her roommate’s stuffed animals while cross-faded. the two of them have a silly little dog named kiwi. he is absolutely hilarious and everyone should watch him and become a citizen of kurtistown, because he is always uploading BANGERS! he never misses! he is often associated with danny gonzales, drew gooden, jacob sharpe, and dean hebscher.

person a: hey, have you seen kurtis conner’s new video? it was an absolute banger!!
person b: kurtis conner? i hardly know ‘er! 🤠

by yolomonster360 June 19, 2022