Source Code

Left-Lane Governor

A driver that will not exceed the speed limit and will not move out of the left lane, thereby forcing everyone to drive at or below the speed limit.

I would have been here sooner, but I got stuck behind a left-lane governor going 65 mph. The jerk would not move over into the right lane!

by desunn December 14, 2009

27๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Left Lane Camper

Either a complete and self absorbed asshole, or an ignorant moron who thinks that all lanes on a freeway should be going the speed limit, either intentionally or unintentionally not realizing that there is a "passing" lane, a "cruising" lane, or depending on how many lanes there are, a "slow" or "truck" lane. The left lane camper normally drivers a P.O.S. car and is either bad at driving, or wants to piss off other drivers for absolutely no reason. Left lane campers who are the absolute worst are those who pace the speed of the car(s) to the right of them, preventing anyone from passing any other cars. Many left lane campers also speed up once they finally pass a car to their right, trying to stop the people behind them from passing them. They are truly the worst drivers and people on the road, and they should all not be able to drive.

Tim; Wow John, that asshole in that Camry is pacing that other car in the right lane
John: Yeah, they're being a left lane camper a-hole. Tim, call the police. It's illegal to cruise and pace other cars in the passing lane.
Tim: Roger that, John.

by ThatObservantOne1 March 6, 2018

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

left lane idiot

On some highways the far left lane is designated for passing only. (Typically with signs that read "Left Lane For Passing Only") Left lane idiots are people who stay in the left lane, even though they're not passing anyone.

I got stuck behind a left lane idiot and a slow poke in the middle lane for twenty miles.

by RedWillow February 20, 2009

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left lane lurker

An operator of a privately or commercially owned automobile (typically a Toyota Prius) who has gone full-retard and operates said automobile at a speed well under the designated speed limit in the left-hand lane of a multi-lane roadway when other roadway lanes are clear and free of traffic -or- other roadway lanes are loosely occupied by other motorists traversing at a similar speed.

I swear to God, if this left lane lurker doesn't merge over I'm going to fucking ram his Prius off I-40.

by s2k ftw September 18, 2013

Left Lane Vigilante

The asshole who is driving the speed limit in the left lane creating a long line of cars behind them because they think they are going fast enough.

I was behind a left lane vigilante today so I tailgated her and kept my high beams on.

by FoxNewser December 16, 2005

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Left Lane Dick

Mini-Van Moms (and sometimes dads) that have no concept of their surroundings. You can drive on their bumper for an hour flickering your high beams and trying to get them to move right...it will have no effect...they are in their own world...

That chick in the grey Caravan is a real Left Lane Dick!

by IhateLeftLaneDrivers June 7, 2004

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Left Lane Dick

My sworn enemy. Crash and burn.


by anti-LLD July 16, 2004

52๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž