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A self righteous, Christian hating, Muslim loving, self mutilating, censor happy hypocrite.

Claim to be the "resistance" when they'll cancel you on Twitter in a whim.

Claim to be "unheard" when they'll flock you in seconds, and have owned MSM for over a century.

Claim to be "acceptance" when they're quick to belittle and demonize you for having the "wrong" opinion, or just for being straight/male/white.

Dwell in echo chambers like urban dictionary while deleting truthful definitions.

Just like Twitter, 99% of Urban Dictionary users are liberal leftists.

by Just blunt February 6, 2021

206👍 105👎


A person who simultaneously advocates for radical individualism, and radical egalitarianism.

Radical individualism being the exhuberant (and often jealous) exercising of personal freedoms without a sense of responsibility to human history, immutable principles, or the society around them. The individual tends more to emphasize personal *rights*, while neglecting personal *responsibilities.* When widely adopted, this leads to social/cultural decay.

Radical egalitarianism is the advocation of equality of *outcome* rather than equality of *opportunity* and, often unconsciously, seeks to persecute those who have achieved more than others with the hand they've been dealt. Thus the desire for the biggest kid on the block (government) to impose, whether by force of law or bullets, an elastic concept of "fairness" on achieving citizenry.

While, at their core, the two concepts are often at odds, they are emphasized at different times, which circumvents this conflict.

Leftists very often view such figures as Marx, Castro, Chavez and their ilk with sympathy, if not admiration.

"Its very difficult to speak to my dad. He fought in WWII and I'm a leftist, so there's just this huge philosophical gulf." :\

"Yeah, I know the Inquisition killed, like, 3000 people over a coupla hundred years, but it just flabberghasted me how many millions were killed in leftist regimes in just the 20th century!"

by Orphanator January 20, 2008

1147👍 759👎


subnormal general intellectual development, associated with impairment of either learning and social adjustment, maturation, or both; A state of backwardness or delayed development, especially of the intellectual functions. Learning difficulty or mental deficiency.

The Leftist reacted violently, attacking all who disagreed with them, when presented with facts.

by Daigobrah June 27, 2021

106👍 51👎


Usually lacking the ability to critically think. Easily manipulated due to uninformed idiocy and an extreme case of sheep mentality. Most often found in large numbers in democrat ran cities. Their lack of logic and rationale is best defined by their habit of screaming unhinged rants that make no sense at all and avoidance of actual facts. Also prone to believe in Darwinism and a large desire for communism

She is very dumb. I bet she is a leftist

by Smarter than a leftist moron June 18, 2021

127👍 62👎


Another word for hypocrite. Examples include woke college students raging against capitalism with a smart phone in one hand and a Starbucks latte in the other. Limousine liberal famous actors lecturing the public about climate change and inequality while traveling the world on private jets and hoarding their wealth in overseas tax shelters. Leftist college professors who shame their students with accusations of white privilege but live in snow white suburbs and send their kids to snow white school districts. Western feminists and LGBTQ activists who stand ready to burn down a local Christian bakery but don’t seem to give a shit when oppressed women and LGBTQ people are imprisoned, raped or lynched in Muslim majority countries around the world. The list is endless

I stand for everything Inclaim to oppose. I must be a leftist.

by Dupaspock Johnson December 31, 2021

244👍 136👎


A person that you can’t argue with, offend, joke with, or enjoy. A leftist is most likely a socialist and hypocrite who will refuse to do research about history and will constantly preach at you. They don’t care about the unborn children of the future and get “triggered” if you disagree with them on one thing. They also think that America is horrible and won’t listen to facts.

Man1: hey bro I’m thinking about hitting that
Man2: Nah bro she’s a leftist

Man1: whew thanks man I really dodged I nuke there

by trumpdeservesanobleprize December 31, 2021

147👍 71👎


Someone who is incredibly dumb in an assortment of ways. They have political ideas that are all based on feelings rather that actual factual things. They have no mind of their own, they can’t form their own opinions and have to rely on biased news sources like cnn or msnbc to tell them what they think. They have no critical thinking skills, give them evidence of one thing and they’ll point to the other without thinking. They think they’re always doing the right thing but in reality, what they do is usually wrong. They also usually do no physical activity and just sit at home waiting for money from the government.
Californian, retard, dumbass, Biden supporter, member of antifa, you?

Look at that leftist over there, he’s actually saying Kyle Rittenhouse should have been guilty.

by Anti-retard(Californians) November 19, 2021

100👍 45👎