Source Code

weiner longer

1. Making your weiner longer.

2. Making your weiner longer in the shower.
3. Making your weiner longer in only half an hour.

In song form (to Battles "Atlas"):

weiner longer, weiner longer
I'm gonna' make my weiner longer
weiner longer, weiner longer
I'll do it in the shower
weiner longer, weiner longer
takes half an hour
weiner longer, weiner longer
weiner longer, weiner longer
gonna' make my weiner longer
weiner longer, weiner longer
if I've got the power
weiner longer, weiner longer
gonna' get her flower
weiner longer, weiner longer
weiner longer, weiner longer,
do it in the shower
weiner longer, weiner longer.......repeat

Mike made his weiner longer; he did it in the shower and it only took him half an hour. Wonder if he had the power to ever get her flower?

by The Weiner Longerers July 27, 2010

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Yes Longer

The opposite of 'No Longer'

It is no longer 2020, but it is yes longer 2021, though not for long

by Some rando out there December 29, 2022

longer furby

When you lube up a 20 inch long furby and shove it up the ass of the person closest to you.

Dave: what was that that just went up my ass?
Jermain: Don’t worry bro, I just gave you a longer Furby.

by Nick_Hates_ JorAir. June 4, 2019

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


something that you can put at the end of your finger to make it longer, usually for turning things on from far away.

from the futurama episode in which Professor Farnsworth invents the finger-longer

"We need a finger-longer to turn on the TV since the remote's missing."

by mic dundee June 24, 2007

25πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

donger longer

a person (usually women) who had an extreme want for a penis.

wow, i really want a boyfriend. i'm such a donger longer.

by penispants4797 January 30, 2010

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Me for longer

A phrase you say when something happened to both you and someone else, but it happened to you for a longer period of time. Such as if it took you 3 hours to do something and some else comes up and is all like, "Yo man, the jive took me like 2 hours to do, I was worken on that forever." You then would say, "Me for longer".
It also has relevance in skateboarding and surfing such as if you slide a rail or ride a wave for longer thn some one else. You win because it was you for longer.

Dustin and Justin were talking about how they both went out with the same chick, but since Justin lasted longer, he called, "Me for longer, fool".

by Stuy The One (Lewis) October 2, 2005

26πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A person who puts up multiple pictures of his or her self (A.K.A Selfies) onto social media websites daily. These selfie posts are accompanied with clever eye opening sayings that people Should often try to live by in their lives, but the K-Longer does Not follow through with these eye opening statements.

Gill: Looks like Sadie posted another picture of herself saying it's good to be a strong independent woman.
Pat: Yeah. Her and her man must be fighting again. She'll post a status with him in a little while about how he's wonderful.
Gill: I know. She's a real K-Longer.

by challenger887 January 30, 2014

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž