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Latin/European. Lorena’s are usually very bubbly and energetic. Really artsy and creative and has a very unique taste in music. Can roast you till you’re a pile of burnt ashes on the floor. She is very loyal and always has your back. Super affectionate to those she loves. Lorena’s often have a very dirty humour and everything seems funny to her. Lorena’s also have some insecurities that she doesnt like to talk about. She can be very distant and depressed at times but tries to hide it from others so they don’t worry. Lorena’s usually have beautiful dark hair and even darker eyes. Lorena is very smart and can make any guy fall for her. Lorena’s are really good at keeping secrets and always know how to comfort her friends. She is super loving and very flirtatious with her loved one. Make sure to never let go of a Lorena because chances are you’ll regret it very much after.

Guy1: Omg Lorena is so pretty (drooling)
Guy2: hey back off shes mine and she’ll roast the shit out of you if you touch her

by lmao I’m just a random person January 25, 2019

25👍 3👎


a cute girl is in love with singing loves to draw and play instrument. she can be shy. but when she gets to know you she loves you. good grades are her thing. she is kind. she can get into trouble with guys sometimes she has many guy friends but mostly girl friends. she is really beautiful and has half of the guys in school all over her. she hangs out with the some of the drama people. she can be too playful sometimes too. she loves to be in the spotlight and is in love with holidays. she barely dates guys but always has a little crush on some guy.

I dont understand how she is single. but i heard she likes this guy . I heard Lorena likes him too.

by crazy crazy crazy February 6, 2018

53👍 12👎


The most popular girl in school. Everyone wants to be her. She can be a bitch sometimes. You don't want to mess with her.

Lorena looks pretty today

by Kahala smith January 7, 2017

117👍 32👎


Crazy and energetic. Loves boys and the occasional girl. Dances in clubs constantly though refuses to try different scenes.
A lorena loves her food. She will eat like a bottomless pit though will never gain an ounce of body fat. Fun and caring, everyone needs their dose of Lorena cause like I like to say, "a dose of Lorena a day, keeps the soberness away".

a Lorena is a lot like Anna Nicole Smith minus the drugs. just the alcohol.

by Dr. Eli van craig February 10, 2009

798👍 383👎


Verb. The act of taking a nap so late in the evening that when you wake up it's already past normal people's bedtimes.

Great! I am going to be up until 5am again, I can't believe I lorena'd it again!

by Evening IT guy April 10, 2014

147👍 63👎


She’s literally the coolest kid ever

Lorena is sooo cool she’s a cool kid

by Cool kid lexiii June 20, 2019

10👍 2👎


shy at first but when she trusts you she's very open. a whore for memes. dark humor sometimes. everyone says shes pretty and has a fat ass and some nice anime tiddies but she doesn't believe it because she's been through a lot.

yooooo lorena got them dANK memes hit her up

by whoreformemes June 5, 2018

26👍 10👎