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A sexy guy of mixed ethnic background with a great smile and nice body, often well-endowed, but also pretty smart and good personality too. A warm hearted man. Values his family over everything and will do anything for them. Loves sports! Is considered to have genius level Iq. Some look at him as cocky but thats just self confidence. Can be very open about how he feels or unemotional. Dedicated to a girl when he's with her. Doesn't fall easy. Only wants the best for the people he cares about and always strives for success.

Girl: I love talking with Malik! He's such an amazing person, and our talks always make me feel GREAT!

by Last King January 2, 2014

328πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


Is Afro-American.
Has a 8 inch penis.

Gets all of the white bitches.

White girl: Malik can I suck yo dick.

Malik: Well damn go ahead.

by Ugvgbjk December 18, 2013

541πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž


A warm hearted man. Values his family over everything and will do anything for them. Loves sports! Is considered to have genius level Iq. Some look at him as cocky but thats just self confidence. Can be very open about how he feels or unemotional. Dedicated to a girl when he's with her. Doesn't fall easy. Only wants the best for the people he cares about and always strives for success.

Dang your ridiculous, you just did a malik!

by crazysmart December 2, 2011

841πŸ‘ 327πŸ‘Ž


Malik is a very sexy male he loves his family and he is a king of Nigeria All the girls swarm him He only like 1 girl

Malik is cool

by LongliveMalik August 12, 2019

36πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Honestly, Malik is one of the most amazing people you will ever meet. Contrary to previous definition, he is nothing like a bad Canadian haircut with a machine gun, though he is attractive and smart. Well versed in all area of world culture, he is an expert conversationalist. Engaging, respectful, intelligent and thoughtful, a chat with Malik can make you feel like you ARE somebody.

Girl: I love talking with Malik! He's such an amazing person, and our talks always make me feel GREAT!

by Ithadtobedone June 9, 2011

405πŸ‘ 168πŸ‘Ž


A half white and black male ,who loves playing basketball. And gets all the arabic girls but his heart only belongs to one girl he has an eye on. He has lots of siblings he cares for , very funny ,and doesn’t take shit seriously.

β€œthat guy is such a malik”

β€œyou’re dating a malik?! he’s a keeper”

by maya223344 July 16, 2018

24πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A sexy darker skinned guy who is the realest nigga you’ll ever meet.Very loyal and good at basketball

Girls:I love Malik he’s so great

by Johnleak February 11, 2019

19πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž