a great way to spend "quality time" with your buddies or loved ones.
I think you and I should get together and spend some "quality time" with the marijuana.
5508π 1934π
Marijuana is the best thing ever created under this sun. People who say marijuana is a bad drug never did have it, has not done it or had not done it in moderation. Itβs the dose that makes the poison; table salt can kill you if you eat enough of it. Marijuana mood elevator and gives you a different awareness of the surrounding world but keeps you grounded, other than alcohol which is a depressant and puts you to sleep. Cigarettes and alcohol kill more people each year than car accidents, but they are some how legal?
While marijuana is pretty much harmless, you donβt see any body being killed over a bag of marijuana? Did you know the greatest jazz players smoke grass, they where the best players in the world along with many others, some of the best music was created under the influence of marijuana. ITs the best thing to happen to America if it becomes legal.
Is not marijuana included when it read in the bible; "Genesis 1: 12 I have given you all the seed baring plants and herbs to use."?
372π 120π
"All the doctor's pills in the world can't stop my buddy's MS Shakes like Marijuana.
4880π 1773π
Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally on our planet. How can you make nature against the fucking law?
I think making nature against the law is slightly paranoid. It serves a thousand different functions all over the world, all of them positive, and it has never had any fatalities to account for. And no, pot does not make you unmotivated. Whilst high, you can do everyone that you would usually do, you just realise its not worth the effort.
'Sure, I could get up at dawn and go to a job that i hate and that does not inspire me creatively whatsoever for the rest of my fuckin life. 'Or i could get up at noon, and learn to play the sitar.'
337π 108π
a term used for the 'drug' coming from the cannabis sativa plant. Many people look down upon it, many see it as harmless and a good way to relieve stress. to clear up any confusion, here are a few basic facts about the effects of smoking marijuana.
- it's smoke is sometimes considered more harmful than tobacco smoke, but there is some debate to this; there is more of certain carcinogens in marijuana smoke than in tobacco smoke, but there are more of other carcinogens in tobacco smoke than in marijuana smoke. one way or another, puff for puff, marijuana is more harmful than tobacco. BUT, tobacco smokers take a very significantly higher amount of puffs than a mariujana user in general.
- Marijuana alters the way one thinks, perceives the environment, and perceives time. Things seem much more significant when on marijuana, and also time often seems to go by slowly.
- It relaxes the user, as oppose to alcahol, which more often than not, alters a person's judgement and ability to make decisions, and causes viloence quite often (makes you think, why is marijuana illegal and alcahol is not?)
- alcahol and tobacco both cause much more deaths per year than marijuana; it is impossible to overdose on marijuana.
-marijuana is non addictive, and may only become mentally addicting to some users who abuse it over a long period of time.
- If you don't want to smoke marijuana, that's cool, but don't label people who do as losers. It does not have all the negative effects as many people believe, or like to believe.
-marijuana was made ilegal because an entrepreneur who made his money selling lumber was threatened by the economic value of the cannabis plant- it was a cheap way to make rope and paper, and because of this, this man's lumber business was threatened. therefor, this man made up a story of a teen boy who got high on marijuana and killed his family, then himself. After hearing this horrific story, america decided to ban the plant.
I say, legalize it- look at the effects of alcahol! much more dangerous to the user, AND the people around the user. its insane!!
dude, im high on marijuana. im calm and mellow now and i have an appreciation for everything around me.
3845π 1398π
it's well put by ben harper, he's a good man:
herb is the gift from the earth
and what's from the earth is of the greatest worth
so before you knock it try it first
you'll see its a blessing
and NOT a curse...
579π 197π
The greatest aphrodesiac known to mankind. You can smoke a bowl and jack off to porn like you never have before. You can get high with your girlfriend and fuck all night. You can get stoned with a bunch of young college chicks and then have group sex. You'll swear you've been in heaven. If more couples got stoned and had sex there'd be less divorce in this country. If our leaders got stoned and had sex with their wives or interns, there'd be less war and hence more peace. It truly is the only thing that makes you forget about everything else except feeling good. That's why it will never be legal. Because our leaders know that if everyone is getting high they'll refuse to fight stupid wars for stupid ends so they build marijuana up to be a big evil so most people will lay off it.
I'm going to smoke marijuana and jack off to porn all night long. War? What war?
314π 102π