That one dude in every crew who acts like he's about to throw hands, but actually his toughest move is yelling "hold me back!" hoping his friends actually do "hold him back"
Jon said, "We need a Hold Me Back Guy to start a fight for no reason tonight"
A guy, usually a simp and/or someone who's in the friendzone, who uses sentences with "she" and "me" (e.g. "She's too good for me!") repetitively to usually complain, whine or sometimes boast (usually about their love life).
"You spoken to Ted, recently?" -- "Yeah, he's turned into a real she-me guy, lately."
The masculine counterpart to a pick me girl; instead of pursuing relationships directly, this duder will peacock stoically, often unbearingly testing your patience
He's just standing around leaning back so his abs flex, he's such a chase me guy
steph c
A man who will diminish his self worth and create fake scenarios to pull at the heart strings of a woman.
He told me his best friend died with like no picture, just a blank snapchat. Definitely a pick me guy.
Use this if you wanna, for some reason, knock up a robot
Call me Purple guy, Because i want to put a child in that robot
A phrase said by someone who sees an attractive man on the internet and is so down bad for him that they instantly want to see him naked.
Friend: dude look at how hot this guy is!
Me: damn, you're right!
Friend: Google, show me this guy's balls ☝️