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Harriet Miers

George W. Bush's personal attorney. Was nominated by Mr. Bush to take Sandra O'Connor's place as Supreme Court Justice so Bush could have an easier time getting unconstitutional laws passed, but she declined under heavy opposition from Democrats and Republicans alike. A major blemish on Mr. Bush's already pockmarked presidency.

Person 1: Bush's approval ratings are the lowest they've ever been!

Person 2: What do you expect? Turning a trillion-dollar surplus into a trillion-dollar deficit, the Katrina aftermath, the CIA leak scandal and crook Vice President, the 2000 dead soldiers, the snubbing of our Allies, the "internets", Osama still at large, and now Harriet Miers?

Person 1: Oh yeah...I'm starting to understand...

by One Half October 29, 2005

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Miers moment

A "Miers moment" is when one wants to or is high from the substance marijuana or when one expresses his feelings toward their friends in an emotional way.

Mitchell was feeling rather emotional on Thanksgiving so he sent his friends a 4 page text message describing his feeling for them hence he had a "miers moment"

by dazar12 January 28, 2014

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Friggen Huar Mier

noun: for when some really special kid repetitively runs their mouth without thought during math because they have special needs. Also can be generally applied to anyone when you need them to STFU without the teacher smashing you from behind. Typically the first user of this word is the superior special forces operator at the table.

Example 1: STFU Friggen Huar Mier, I'm friggen trying to do fuggin work!

by the yeetster 64 March 4, 2019

Cody Mier Realty Team

The best Real Estate Team in Houston, Texas. The cream of the crop in Houston Real Estate. With them on your side, goals will be accomplished and dreams will come true!

You need to sell your house!? Call Cody Mier Realty Team, they’re the best!

by miercat3 November 23, 2021

Gisele Le Miere

Some annoying girl at my school

"Bruh Gisele Le Miere gives me depression"

by hoovertown May 23, 2022

mckinley miers

the person that may be annoying at some points but she is a kind loving girl she is shy at first but when you get to know her you will wish you knew her your whole life.

jake: do you know Mckinkey miers
josh: Yea Mckinley miers is my crazy bestie

by mothar December 16, 2022