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musical misfortune

When you have a song stuck in your head for at least 10 minutes, and right before you get the chance to listen to the song, it finally becomes un-stuck.

john is very annoyed by the 80s song "take on me" that is stuck in his head, so he rushes home, runs up the stairs, opens his laptop, only to realize the song is not stuck in his head anymore.

musical misfortune

by jake12334455433 May 26, 2009

4👍 1👎

Wheel of Misfortune

Similar to Wheel of Fortune, but rather than having a chance to win, you will lose or get something shitty all of the time. Also another good phrase for Roulette.

Sam decided to spin the Wheel of Misfortune, but lost every time.

Jim went to the casino to play the good ol' Wheel of Misfortune and lost his house, car, and kidney because of his debt.

by 1-800-PAIN March 18, 2015

7👍 5👎

misfortunes never come singly

this means that bad things or situations always come in groups, they never come in a single way.

A: Guess what?!
B: What?!
A: Last night my car was stolen, anyway, misfortunes never come singly, I lost my wallet today.

by Nabeel, January 11, 2008

13👍 5👎

arabic misfortune

When 2 black guys get together and rip your ballsack apart

Oh hey John, do you happen to be a victim of arabic misfortune?

by John Byerly July 27, 2021

misfortune porn

porn of the character misfortune. lol

oh look, misfortune has nice knockers

yep she suuuure dus

gf: what is that on ur phone?????
me: dw its just misfortune porn lol, shez not reall uno

by upursm8 February 4, 2020