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When you misspell something

"All of the misspellation in that sentence is confusing"

by Word.maker October 6, 2018

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Wen u spel a wrd rongly loik tis

You misspell a lot of words.

by URB4N D1C710N4RY April 12, 2021

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Awful Misspellings

The result of a failed attempt made by someone with only a vague idea of what the 'English Language' actually is.

Easily notable as not a typo error, as a typo is still readable in normal language. No, one who is an awful misspeller actually has no idea whatsoever how that word should be, and will try and write phoenetically.

For many interesting examples of Awful Misspellings, please visit a special school, for special children.

by Lemon Bear May 7, 2006

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When you type a word and auto-correct replaces it with another word. Ex: "Did you here this?" When the correct word was "hear."

I typed the right word but it auto-misspelled it.

by @justanother_musician February 22, 2019

Instant Misspells

someone in their teenage years who texts, IMs or talks with an annoyingly large amount of excess lettering.

-Brittany: "Duuuuuuuudaaa! Did you guys have fuuuunnn???"
Mike: "Uh, yeah."

-omg youu rr neverr gonnna believveee whaat happened too meeee at jessssicass houseee!!!

-Mike: Brittany's been sending me Instant Misspells all day. It's starting to freak me out.
Brian: Weeeeeiiirrrrdddd...

by Mister Mostofolies December 27, 2008


When illiterate idiots can not proceed to spell a word correctly, thus causing minor confusion and embarrassment!

1) Man Ben is a misspellinger i had to put his paper down and smack him in the face!
2) Due i went to tha mal and got me som of those new shus you talced about yesterdey!

by Arty Lang Jr. November 13, 2008

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Impulsive misspeller

One that can't spell impulsive

Megan Hartman is an impulsive misspeller

by megan_heart December 31, 2011