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A term used to describe the political far left wing bordering communistic thinking or socialistic thinking. A term which describes an unthinking political left wing. A term used to describe dishonest and dumb people leaning to the political left wing.

Jimmy Carter is the King Moonbat dummy.
Cindy Sheehan is a moonbat donkey goddess.
Howard Dean borders on insanity and being a moonbat.

by Michael Mooreon May 19, 2008

766๐Ÿ‘ 618๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any number of irrational and hysterical individuals whose self-indulgent intellectual indolence has led them to a visceral hatred of all things western. Moonbats tend to frequent anti-globalization and numerous other forms of rallies, demonstrations, sit-ins, and the like, tend to look dirty, and can frequently be heard using terms such as, "imperialism". The mark of a true moonbat is the total lack of perspective (i.e. "if a dictator provides free healthcare, I like that dictator" - actual moonbat quote).

Did you hear that George Galloway has praised yet another Arab dictator? What a moonbat!

by ChiedFrickin January 20, 2006

915๐Ÿ‘ 765๐Ÿ‘Ž


Derogatory term for a liberal activist, implying that s/he is a lunatic. The opposite of wingnut.

Conservative Jones, Boy Detective: You're just in time. My colleague, Glenn Beck, has brought a mystery to my attention! The Fasces is an ancient Roman symbol co-opted by the Fascists. Now look at the back of the Mercury Dime, minted by Woodrow Wilson, and what do you see? It's proof that Democrats are historical fascists!

Moonbat McWacky: Actually, the Mercury Dime predates Fascism by several years, and the same symbol can be found in the Oval Office, Congress, and the Lincoln Memorial.

Jones: Good God, Moonbat, do you know what that means? Fascists have been trying to take over this country... since before they even existed!

by JeffGannon January 25, 2012

767๐Ÿ‘ 638๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone on the extreme edge of the political left who has long abandoned fact & logic in the pursuit of spewing their scocialist crapaganda. (ie Al Franken, Michael Moore, and Janeane Garafalo, to name but a few.) Ann Coulter is the absolute antithesis of a moonbat.

Al Gore is a raving moonbat in a suit.

by BDA August 9, 2004

1536๐Ÿ‘ 1479๐Ÿ‘Ž


Evocative of the lunatic fringe, the phrase began existence as a disparaging slur against the "Far Left;" however, due increasing polarization within United States, and an ever-shifting culture war, the term has come to denote virtually anyone with a "liberal agenda," or an aversion to McCarthyism. It is also used within a condescending framework in reference to young, perhaps inexperienced, political dissenters.

While no doubt extremists do exist, the casual disregard for alternative viewpoints, and the implied disdain for Constitutional dissent which simmers beneath its surface, is far more disturbing to the average political theorist than any Leftist dogma, extremist or otherwise, yet to surface.

"Don't call him a 'Commie pinko,' Dad--call him a 'moonbat.' Awww...look--he's cryin'! Maybe he'll go hug a tree."

by Rev. Christian Martyn February 4, 2005

1397๐Ÿ‘ 1389๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Bat", of course, refers to members of the order chiroptera (with some contending that the "megachiroptera" of South America should be classified as primates), strange and wonderful animals which are beneficial to humanity. Intelligent, well-educated liberals recognize bats as an asset, and seek to encourage them through environmental protection, including the building of bathouses on the outsides of their homes. The ignorant and superstitious hate and fear bats, and can think of no worse insult than to compare people they also hate and fear (out of ignorance) to bats.

"Moon" refers to Earth's primary natural sattelite, which humans visited for a brief period thanks to a massive liberal spending program. The scientific and technological benefits of the Apollo Project were immense, and would have been far greater if the program had not been killed by a right-wing administration that wanted to spend that money on a futile foreign war. Thus, the Moon is, like bats, symbolic of liberalism and all the benefits it brings to a culture, and naturally will be an object of hatred and fear to the Right.

Combine the two and you get "Moonbat"; environmental good sense, scientific curiosity, prosperity for all and the triumph of knowledge over traditional superstition. In short, all the things that enemies of civilization like Osama bin Laden and Pat Robertson hate most.

I support as continued ban on DDT because I am a moonbat.

by johnmburt1960 April 17, 2005

1675๐Ÿ‘ 1704๐Ÿ‘Ž


term used by those on the extreme political right wing (known as "wingnuts") to describe anyone who disagrees with their bizarre, fascistic world view. Used, despite the fact that it makes absolutely no sense, because they could not come up with a word or phrase as appropriately descriptive as "wingnut."

"What a bunch of moonbats!" cried the hooded Klansman, as the anti-Klan protesters marched down the street.

by snooky b April 12, 2005

1700๐Ÿ‘ 1815๐Ÿ‘Ž