Source Code

Mooney Rule

A code of secrecy invoked by promising to never tell another person the story you are about to be told.

In a conversation the Mooney Rule would be used as follows:
Person 1: Dude, I have something important to tell you, Mooney Rule on this.
Person 2: Ok, I swear never tell anyone.
Person one then proceeds to tell person two the important story knowing that the secret will stay private between the two due to the Mooney Rule being invoked.

by RC45 February 8, 2013

Fish mooney

When a girl bends over while wearing a short skirt and you can see her vagina lips

Oi Rhys, check out that girl over there, she's proper fish mooneying you, said Bill

by Crackalaka October 20, 2014

Mooney Tunes

The act of one mooning someone and mid mooning, the mooner begins spewing feces onto the floor for the viewers utter disbelief.

Yo man, Jack out of seemingly nowhere pulled a Mooney Tunes in broad daylight.

by Disbelief March 7, 2023

Pulling a mooney

The act of publicly dropping one's trousers and baring one's buttocks for humourous or insultitive purposes. Often accompanied by slapping one's buttocks, often tunefully, shouting "Moo-neyyy!" and other such gestures, physical or vocal, with the intention of increasing the hilarity of the performance.

Pulling a Mooney. The pulling of the mooney is a fait accomplit executed solely by those with an advanced grasp of humour, the great wits of our time, and should be recognised as such regardless of opinions to the contrary vocalised by whomsoever, including the Police.

by Buttock Baring Buffoon August 27, 2008

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Seb mooney

Seb mooney is the one u look up to and think โ€œwow I wish I was a seb mooneyโ€ they will always give u a lovely mooney and comfort you at your darkest hours

Tim-is that a seb mooney
Tom-I believe it is

Tim-damn I wanna be a seb mooney

by XXXclapped January 21, 2019

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Dirty Mooney

The act of shitting on someones period while they are eating Cheerios.

I got called into work on my day off. Man, they really gave me a Dirty Mooney.

Quick, I need some Cheerios. She wants me to give her a Dirty Mooney.

by fyimoon February 2, 2011

Monday mooney

A sexy beast roaming the land for her next victim

Is that a monday mooney

by Uhm homosexual March 14, 2021