Moshers are people that listen to GOOD music, from bands such as trivium, system of a down, slipknot etc.
Moshers hate chavs.
Moshers are usually friendly people.
Moshers are not usually trouble makers, but wud defend themselves if started upon.
Moshers do take showers/baths like every1 else.
Moshers enjoy going to gigs and taking part in mosh pits.
mosher#1: hey dude
mosher#2: hey, u got the new SOAD album
mosher#1: yeh, it rocks!
chav#1:ooooo look a buch of fu**in goths
mosher#3: were not goths! piss off!
chav#5: ur a bunch of nob's, dats wot u r.
chav#1: u startin dickhead!
chav#2: GET 'EM!
chavs start fight...............moshers batter chavs.................
48๐ 15๐
a person who listens to any type of rock music and does not tend to try and annoy others, and try to avoid chavs (scallys/_or as i call them shit heads) the scally's will try to harm moshers and will hang out on any street corner acting hard but a mosher does not feel the need to act hard(strong) because they mostly do not feel the need to fight unless provoked by a Chav.
In all a mosher is a generally nice person.^-^
i am a mosher and i act like my Definition and so do my mates and they are mosters.
276๐ 115๐
moshers are some of the most friendlyest people ever, they speak and they mean no harm unless they come across chav scum,
most people think moshers are mainly boys,but hell no.
at gigs they love to be at the front head banging/moshing.
normally baggy clothes and long ish hair.
chav1: haha look at thah mosha like person mate
chav2: he finks hes well cool innit
chav1: lets go scuff him up
chav2: o sh*t its a girl
mosher: wat the fk do u want
chav2: wats wif tha mosh flop on yer ead?
mosher: o wats that on ur neck?
group of moshas (mainly boys): oi pis* off u scum asss chavs leave her alone
chavs scram and moshers walk off
30๐ 9๐
There's actually no real meaning to the word mosher. It is something that chavs made up to describe anyone ages 25- that doesn't follow the mainstream of being a chav. However, as i know what is classed as a mosher, i shall pretend for a while that it does exist. A generalisation of a mosher is to wear black, baggy clothing, worship satan, slit your own wrists and want to kill all chavs. The majority of this is pure bull though. I myself am what people would call a 'mosher'. However, i am currently wearing BLUE 3/4 trousers and a WHITE T-shirt. The only black im wearing is socks and boxers! Wrist slitting really shouldnt be generalised with a specific kind of people... Many, many people do it when they are depressed... Not just kids who want to be cool, many adults who are struggling, even chavs sometimes... So saying its a scummy emo mosher thing to do is pathetic, stupid and altogether false!
The whole satanist thing is crap too.. Just because i like rock music doesn't mean i believe almight lucifer will rise... I'm not a satanist.. I actually believe in God, which is a very rare thing amongst todays youth. I don't let it effect my life though, i still swear, and often do bad things because it is fun or i just don't care...
Many people who say they are moshers also say that they twat the crap out of any chav who walks by, or they can take on a group of 10 chavs... Can they balls! Granted, chavs are soft compared to most of todays society, but that is exactly why they hang around in extremely large groups of 40+. Chavs will only pick a fight with a person on their own or a group of people that are severely outnumbered by the chavs.
I am a member of a large group of alternative friends which consists of 'moshers', emo kids, goths, skaters and rockers. There are about 38 of us altogether, but usually only about 5-15 out at a time. We don't go around randomly hospitalising chavs, because this is stupid. It is stupid because everyone would be sent down for a gang attack, and also, chavs have friends. If you take down one chav, their friends and their friends friends etc. will come looking for you. It is dangerous to fight chavs, not short term but long term. If a group of chavs (group, no single chavs have the guts to) try to start a fight with me or me and friends, I/we just ignore them, for we have a higher intellect than chavs. If someone tells you they have taken out 5 chavs, they are lying. Or at least, if they are telling the truth, you won't know them for much longer. REAL moshers only fight back when it is vital. People think that moshers are scary and look like they are out for trouble. This is ironic, however, as it is the chavs that are out looking to start fights with any randomer who walks by. Moshers are actually peace keepers.. Well, peace in violence... They are quite loud :P.
My group of friends generally just tries to stay away from chavs.. We do skateboarding, music playing (many of us play instruments), or listen to music rather loud. We only really listen to loud music when in town centres though, not in housing estates, so we don't really interrupt anyones sleep. If you want someone to have fun with and keep out of fights with and just generally be friends with, then you are looking for a mosher. Sometimes scary on the outside, mostly friendly and sweet on the inside.
Mosher: Whatever you say...
Chav: Watch yer focken mouth ya focken mop'ead! I'll get focken Tanton crew on ya if ya give me any more gob, focken goffy boy!
Moshers: ~leave to have fun by themselves, away from the chav~
241๐ 105๐
a genrally awesome person who listens to awesome music often rock metal etc. often a target for chavs and hate them to the death. will normally only fight is started apon. enjoys gigs and mosh pits and having a good time with m8s. often mixed up with goths even emos by people who dont really have a clue what there on about, ie chavs. moshers normally wear baggy cloths jeans band tees etc and alota black but really dress in whatever the fuck they like. there truely awesome friends and people in genral.
chav#1-haha look at the goff
mosher#1-haha look at the chav
chav#2-u startin mush *pushes mosher*
mosher knocks chav unconcous
uninformed loser#1- u dress all in black and listen to metal u must be a goth/emo/wanabe/poser.
informed mosher- dude get it right, i wear what ever i like listen to what ever i like making me a truely amazing person and a mosher.
uninformed loser-oh so ur a mosher becoz ur original and do w.e u like. i understand.
22๐ 6๐
A person who doesn't really give a fuck. They can dress in what ever they want, the moshers in my town dress mostly in black but there are colours there too. Band t-shirts and random badges or pins on bags are common. Loud rock music, moshing, etc. Are usually picked on by scum called chavs. who choose to chase the poor mosher who happens to be walking on his or her own and pummels them... if chavs were that stong (some of them have pretty good aim with rocks unfortunately)
mosher/me: *walks down a road, minding her own buisness listening to music... may have been slayer at the time, i can't remember*
chav 1: hey! look at the guy! he's a mosher!
chav 2: that's a chick, not a guy.
chav 1: whatever... *starts running after the poor, innocent person*
mosher/me: ah crap, not again... *runs... in this case into the cemetery*
chav 1: *spits* damn, we lost her
*they both walk away
24๐ 7๐
1. Any person into alternative/rock/metal music, a purgorative term designed for alienation of the other by scally/chav culture.
2. Reclaimed from the above, a name given to a muscially orientated sub-culture. Said culture being a mix of earlier Punk and Metal culture. The term originated with the culture following the collapse of nu metal from aminstream popularity in favour of metalcore, pop metal, punk pop and emo.
3. Reclaimed purgorative from the older underground sub-cultures, such as metallers, goths and punks. Terms those who claim identify with their sub-culture, but who have seemingly missed the point and do not listen to music deemed to be authentic, ans generally considered unable to mosh properly.
1. Bloody Moshers! Cut your f*cking hair & stop listening to that satan shit!
2. Lets go to Download. The music is so cool.
3. Bloody Moshers! Grow your f*cking hair & stop listening to that comercial bollocks!
16๐ 4๐