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Yo girl who posted before me, I race too, and i'm a girl, and your completly right it aint about the hot guys (though they are a plus) That girl who first posted -3 points for being an ignorant motoho and -43583282 for saying gnarly

YAY! for chicks who are pimp enough to ride, MX guys dig chicks who they can ride with and against

by Nana January 25, 2004

86๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


the greatest and toughest sport in the world. motocross is a sport for real men and thin lean sexy women. a sport that is done by BRAVE people as it is very dangerous. while real men and the nice ladies race motocross other little boys play soccer,hockey or even.....baseball!

Joe:hey bud i just got my badass 250 ready to race, you wanna come ride?
billy:ummmm.... not really, i am too girly to even try that scary sport.
Joe:yeah you do look a bit more pussy than normal
billy:no i always really look like that. i am going to go play baseball then mabey hockey.
Joe: alright see ya later, by the way once you grow some balls then come try motocross
billy:bye bye

by 250 racer January 16, 2007

55๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


a real mans sport and its not just pussy ass offroading its jumps whoops berms tabletoops and kickass holeshots

mx is a real mans sport and umm ya mx chicks r hot

by mx69 November 27, 2004

25๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


An alternative motorsport for short guys and rednecks who continue to wear flat billed hats, monster energy drink apparel, and fake diamond earrings well into their 30's.

Participants and fans routinely claim motocross is the most physically demanding sport in the world despite the lack of any objective evidence supporting the claim.

Events are usually centered around binge drinking shitty beer, getting a little too racist, and hot girls who are usually hired by the respective energy drink sponsor to flirt with the fans, often consisting of guys who would have partied wayyy too hard at community college had they gotten in.

Motocross fans are culturally akin to fans of professional wrestling; quick to find ways to justify their enjoyment of the motorsport by: (1) drunkenly spouting out baseless claims relating to the physically demanding nature of motocross, (2) trying to convince you to go to a race by harping on the entertainment value of the event, or (3) bringing up nostalgic motocross memories from their childhood. Which when described to you may reveal more about their personal character than you wished to know.

MX Bro: Bro, the best athletes in the world bro... **takes long drag of menthol cigarette** are motocross riders, bro.
Reasonable Friend: That's a highly questionable claim given the overwhelming number of Caucasian participants.

by nemodat March 19, 2015

13๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of if not the most addicting sports in the world..... I raced for 1 year and 4 years later I became the U.S. First place triple crown champion in supercross, i was won and became the fastest rider in the United States. But you have to know when to quit. I broke 16 bones and have had 18 concusions. You start to lose your sence after the 5th one thats why i didn't stop.

Try motocross but don't get adicited to adreniline it happend to me and a lot of my friends

by The old king April 13, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


An individual (male or female) that participates in the sport of Motocross as a part of everyday life

Ricky Carmichael, James Stewart, Travis Green, Dustin Biars, Ryan Villopoto. these are all Motocrossers

by Travis Green 504 December 31, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of jumping on dat pussy and tearing it up like a Motocross racer tears up the track.

Mike: Hey Jim you and Sarah have a good date? Jim: Bro, I motocrossed that bitch

by dudewithout February 6, 2015

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž