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The act of being suffocated by the muff.

Dude my last night my girl sat on my face and almost muffocated me.

by J'smainman69 November 27, 2010


Transitive verb: When a female cuts off her sex partner's breathing while sitting on his or her face.

I almost got muffocated to death last night, but just before I lost consciousness I bit her pussy and she rolled off me. She thought I was just being a dick and kicked me in the face a couple times, though.

by Maine Jeeper October 21, 2016


When you get suffocated by muff!

Old John got muffocated, what a way to go!

by Muffocated February 8, 2021


Trying to breathe while eating pussy with an overgrown bush.

Justice C.

I was eating her out but her bush was so big I was worried I'd muffocate

by Justice Crevlo August 31, 2023


Muffocate is a verb that combines two words .

A slang term of Muff (another one of many slang terms for a vagina) and Suffocate. Need I say more?

Last night I was muffocated by my wife.
She likes to muffocate me.

by BigRed1886 July 3, 2023


To drown and suffocate at the same time

Damn, I want her to muffocate me.

by TeeDheazy May 5, 2023


The art of suffocating a man with one's muff!

Dear lil Bert was found this morning by police... The coroner ruled it was death by muffocation

by Me.. June 28, 2020