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When the imposter is SUS! ๐Ÿ˜ณ A way to ironically reference the hit game "Among Us."

Look! That trash can looks like the crewmate from Mugus.

by cheeseball96 March 13, 2021

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Puss Mugus

1) Someone who backs down from anything.

2) Someone who whines alot.

Kenny is such a Puss Mugus. He was about to fight Antoine but in the end backed out.

by Raboin April 16, 2008

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mugu hunter

This is a male human who tries to catch other males by pretending to be a female, after this they normally trap the male and keep them forever

Oii you know that stickz yout i swear hes a mugu hunter

by Skiitee October 27, 2017

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double mugu latte

the double mugu latte is the double shot of...juice...that comes from a man after he is...done with you...yeah...

She took a sip of the double mugu latte and loved it.

by Double mugu latte April 21, 2005

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double mugu latte

The frothey suprise that girls recieve after incredible sexual intercourse. The point is, all the bitches love it, and there is no reason to deny it.

Pretty much every girl knows what I'm talkin' about. Be sure to ask your girlfriend...she'll know...

by bleeding gums merphy April 23, 2005

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me when the drip

you are sussy sus mugus

by Bigppmansx February 7, 2022


Usually a beautiful petite babe from the region of assam India.
women with brownish hair and height of around 4'10 from the regions of assam.
Untrustful to unknown people and socially active with their own kind (petites).
merit wise weak considering their genes makes their a little weak on the studies.
So pretty that will keep her Ex's faunt over her for years and still wont let them move on.
comparable with medusa's hair but instead of hair , her teeth .
mf forgot to brush and grow up
always a bitch
however proud owner of a business and has career goals unlike some other people.

KJD: damn that girl is Mugu ?
BJD: wasn't she like your Ex ?
KJD : i still miss her sigh....
BJD : mf had an ex after losing MUGU and still is faunting over her.
AD: SUCH A SIMP.......
JDK:(from his grave) SUCH A SIMP......

by Shihiro Taiyo August 11, 2022