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Gabe Mutha Fuckin Gomes

The Guy that Thinks highly of himself. Giant EGO, and always has a story.

Oh that just Gabe Mutha Fuckin Gomes

by Pranking Joker October 13, 2021

Da Mutha Fuckin Spot

Where laws do not exist, marijuana is constantly being smoked and obliteration is a constant, daily. D-Dubness is a necessity at the Spot, In order for one to not be placed in the Time Out Room, he/she (preferably female) must hinder their lips on the Bitch Be Good Stick and give it a nice big wet kiss. If the individual does not kiss the Bitch Be Good Stick, then he/she is eligible for Time out in the Time Out Room. The ramifications for not kissing the Bitch Be good stick can be fatal, It is customary to do this barbaric ritual so the owners of the Spot do not have to call they niggas Bovacie and Orpheus to run a train on yo bitch ass.

Lets do work tonight at Da Mutha Fuckin Spot.

by Sall Dooh March 17, 2008

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Reggie and the Mutha Fuckin Full Effect

see Reggie and the Full E-mutha-fuckin-ffect.

oh, and Bitches Get Stitches.

Mom: What concert did you go to?
Kid: Reggie and the Mutha Fuckin Full Effect, Mom! Now get off my case, bitch!

by findagirlfriendday March 18, 2005

23👍 10👎

Mutha fuckin crack man pikachu

a term that you would use if you wanted to show someone that pikachu is the best pokemon

Hello friend my favorite pokemon is mutha fuckin crack man pikachu

by Steven Nyhuz August 26, 2004

17👍 13👎

reggie and the full e-mutha-fuckin-ffect

another, however cooler, way to say "Reggie and the Full Effect."

see also Reggie and the Mutha Fuckin Full Effect.

Dude 1: What are you listening to?
Dude 2: Reggie and the Full E-mutha-fuckin-ffect!
Dude 1: What the fuck is that?
Dude 2: I will cut you!

by findagirlfriendday March 18, 2005

13👍 15👎

mutha fuckin shit eatin stupid dick sucking fucker

1. A profane insult thrown at those who express rudeness to an individual.

2. Someone who takes pleasure in eating excrement, and sucking a penis.

Why the fuck did you do that! you mutha fuckin shit eatin stupid dick sucking fucker!

by H to the muthafuckin Azel January 10, 2004

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Aaron Mutha Fuckin Cronkrite

unable to be controlled and can communicate any distance without constraint and impervious to embarrassment .

they sure regret messing with Aaron Mutha Fuckin Cronkrite

by kronik right July 24, 2021