Antes de Navidad Syndrome, or Before Christmas Syndrome, is a very infectious disease, spreading from store to store nationwide, or even perhaps worldwide. The store then provides its employees and shoppers with Antes de Navidad Syndrome, Christmas sales starting all the way back in June. Antes de Navidad Syndrome can also lead to Después de Navidad Syndrome, or After Christmas Syndrome, where they holiday sales go all throughout January, where poor, innocent people spend money on things they won't need for another year. The only period of Antes de Navidad or Después de Navidad Syndromes-free months are February through May, but that might change in the near future, as Antes and Después de Navidad Syndromes affects the brain, causing stores to expand Christmas sales longer, to where Christmas is a year-long holiday.
Our nearest Wal-Mart is selling Christmas decorations in August! I think they may have Antes de Navidad syndrome.
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