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niggerly coordinated

niggerly coordinated- referring to one's 'fresh' or dare i say 'mackdaddy' style and swagger commonly used throughout the african american community and is percieved as a compliment

Ey man, look at dat dude o'er derr wit dat niggerly coordinated outfit...he so damn fly

by kethry lover November 9, 2007

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The act of doing something in a black manor

Bob: I saw the way you were driving that hellcat
Terry: Yeah i did that shit niggerly as fuck!

by Nolpeeepeee December 20, 2023


To do something that a nigger would do

What jack did the other day was very Niggerly

by NiggerKiller1853 February 10, 2024


When one does not act upon melanin induced individuals' instincts and instead withdraw from these symptoms such as: eating watermelon, eating fried chicken, driving hellcats and occasionally shooting people.

Woah! That black guy named Jaydon is acting non-niggerly.

by caple February 13, 2024