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Nigy Nigz

A non racial expression with roots from Nyack Middle School. It does not mean any thing specific, but puts emphasis on your statement. Its also very nice for ticking people off on Xbox live, like nigynigz

Its often used with the word like before it:

Jaqwondraykisha: Hey did you see that Kool-
Aid commercial last nigh-
Me: Yo I dont care like Nigy Nigz!

by The Black Dot in the Whiteness May 6, 2010

9👍 8👎

Nigz Fear

What someone does (mainly of chank decent) to give you a "ah hell nah" moment. When someone takes your glory by putting himself as the idea man. Or when someone does something stupid that you told him not to do, but in return blames you for telling him to do it. Basically pushing your buttons. Chankalank mang!

Example 1:

Person 1: Hey you hear that new word I came up with?
Chank: Nah I came up with that shit you hella gay naga!
Person1: AH HELL NAH!!! NIGZ FEAR!!!

Example 2:

Person 1: Yo you bout to hit up that party?
Chank: Nah mang heard it was gonna be wack!
Person 1: Aight mang you missin out heard there was about to be hella beezys!
*Several days later*
Chank: Hey you going to that party, I heard theys bout to be hella bitches there!
Person 1: Yeah nigga I told you that shit
Chank: Nah mang I told yo abs that
Person1: What? I told yo ass the other day to go to the party.
Chank: Man I told yo ass to go to the party cuz they was about to be hella bitches there.
Person 1: AH HELL NAH!!!!!!! NIGZ FEAR!!!

Example 3:

Chank: Dude I heard these shoes was fly
Person 1: Nah mang they made by some homo nigga
Chank: Naaaah mang they made from the finest chinchilla!
Person 1: Again homo nigga
Chank: Watch mang these shits bout to be clean
*Chank buys shoes*
Girl 1 to Chank: Hey them shoes is hellagay.com
Chank to Person 1: Why you tell me to buy those shoes!!?!?!

by MadWack September 1, 2010

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sandy nigz

ThiCC squirrel that lives under the sea and shakes her furry ass for spongebob everyday when they do their 'karate'

Nigbob :Sandy don't use the secret moisturizing technique on me
Sandy Nigz :Gosh darn it i can t control it

by Pundaivan January 25, 2019

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nigz wit wigz

A nig with a wig.


"check dem nigz wit wigz"

by ch(eight) March 30, 2005

12👍 1👎


A word used to describe your close friends or people u are friends with (coloured skin only as it is short for nigga)

E.g yo my nigz how have your been.

by Nigzzzzzx February 24, 2020