Source Code

game is game

when game, is just game.

uh, she’s unconscious?
game is game🀷🏻

by sam the slutty slut June 16, 2023

78πŸ‘ 324πŸ‘Ž

game Is Game

It stems from oves such as the lebron gjames and the steph curry, and replace th i with the g with the second one, and just remeober, any conest is good conset.

Games is game.

Man 1: Yo you should lebron that girl
Man 2 : Game is Game
Man 3: Gaming!

by quillowp May 5, 2023

10πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Game recognizes game

Game Recognizes Game: {Concept}Is the idea that two Players, see playa, of unequal respect when meeting, will recognize and even pay homage to the player of greater respect.

When I went to a bar in Hollywood, I ran into Hugh Hefner. I had to give him props. Any player would know that, Game Recognizes Game.

by SammymatiK May 6, 2008

208πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Game Recognize Game

To have "game" is to attract people of the opposite sex. Game recognize game is when a person who has game, can see it in another, like a playa knows another player when he sees one.

Yo, Game recognize game.

by Jonathan Dack October 23, 2004

759πŸ‘ 377πŸ‘Ž

Game recognize game

An esoteric catchphrase of the urban male pimp, playa, rapper or wannabe that carries the weighty implication that only someone who has their game tight can have the appropriate respect and admiration for someone else's doubtlessly tight game.

"It was tight how you played Shenequa and Lavisha off each other like that..playa playa!"
"Game recognize game homie, you know how I do."

by redgyul September 21, 2004

279πŸ‘ 221πŸ‘Ž

Game recognizes Game

The phrase "game recognizes game" undoubtedly originated in urban culture to describe "players" but should not be limited to this category. Living by "Game recognizes game" helps one to remember to trust your own instincts about the intentions of others, which can be instantly sensed upon meeting. It also encourages you to strive to improve yourself, because people on high levels recognize each other's presence and vice versa. Finally, it is a constant reminder to carry yourself with dignity, stand tall, breathe correctly, and grasp your ability to use language because game always recognizes game.

Negative game recognizes game: A boy meets a girl at a frat party, he boasts about his family and she listens intently, adding an occasional "That's like so funny". Neither are able to maintain eye contact.

-These two "playas" are on the same level, he wants to use up a sweet girl for his false image and she displays passiveness to indicate her willingness to accept subordinate roles but also to manipulate him into commitment, thereby extracting his family wealth and semen.
Positive game recognizes game: A student sits attentively in a Texas university classroom, wondering what bullshit they are going to try and feed her next. She breathes, she smiles, she writes a poem. The teacher enters, he wears a casual outfit and begins a class conversation, disregarding rules and grading structures. Many students type, other students drool at facebook, others twitch nervously and bite at their nails. She breathes, tries to ignore, they meet eyes when many others are refusing to be engaged, without words, game recognizes game.

by blotan84 May 5, 2011

85πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

game recognize game

it means that a playa knows another playa, and if you down you know who else be down

"ey homie you knowz dat game recognize game so we chill"

by trudown44 July 25, 2003

106πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž