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A language which, in being both dead alive, can be likened to a vampire. Yet another similarity with that group, is that as Vampires suck the life from unsuspecting victims, so too does this language. Steer Clear; if you hear the words declension, double dative, or ablative of means, a latin vampire attack may be near.

-I used to have a 4.0. Then I took Latin.

-I used to have a soul, then I took Latin

by latin scholar123 January 27, 2010

185👍 108👎


The language you will take years of and still struggle because there is always new things to learn.

Teacher: There is another case
Any student: What! They only taught us the nominative, genative, dative, accusitive, ablative, and vocative
Teacher: Well there is a locative case
Any student: Smh, I only take Latin because it is a required language.

by frenchcrepe December 12, 2014

8👍 2👎


It’s LatinX but like less offensive but still stupid looking.

just say Latin(o) for men (Latin(a) for women and refer to the ethnicity as Latino, unless it’s with a feminine topic. Or a singular person or group of women.

Not sorry if I upset any blue haired astros.

Person 1: “hey should I say Latine or Latinx

Person 2: “Stick to Latin(o/a) it’s rude to change a language just to fit in a few people who don’t wanna be categorized in the first place.

Person 1: gracias, ahora no me estoy apropiando de su cultura para que se ajuste a mis deseos

Person 2: De nada mejor amiga 😄

by You Make Me Feel Like A Man October 10, 2022

25👍 10👎


A language derived from Italic tribes (A.K.A:”Sermo urbanus”; for French most times although used for other Romance languagesLingua vulgaris”). This language took its script from the Greek language. The language was widely spoken by the Romans and neighboring tribes, and was used as an universal language in the European Middle ages for the educated class. Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian are languages that come directly from Latin (A.K.A Romance Languages) Latin it is studied for etymology, a better understating of Latin languages and to be able to read roman manuscripts from ancient and medieval times. “Latin people” (Latinos) is an expression mistakenly used only referring to South American people, which should include Western Europeans who inherited the language and some Roman culture. Also means as an historical fact someone who was born and/or lived in ancient Latium in western central Italy. The language it is also used in special Roman Catholic Masses. The word originated before the 12th century from Latin “Latinus” which means of the people of Latium and/or a Roman; from Latium which was an ancient region of western central Italy. To finalize, there are some Latin phrases that are still used today.

-ergo = Therefore; Hence.

-cogito, ergo sum = I think, thefore I am. (From French philosopher Rene Descartes

-status quo = The state in which.

-deus ex machina = A god from the machinery. (An expression that symbolizes an event that resolves an extreme difficulty or a far-fetched event)

by Rexnecros October 31, 2004

273👍 278👎


1. a foreign language that the romans spoke, which is now a forgotten, dead language. many people still use it, and has been said by many to be the hardest language to learn.

Salve, loqour latine? (Hello, do you speak latin?)

by Akhaten October 28, 2014

12👍 12👎


Concise, eloquent, exact. The language of poets.
As opposed to common belief, not a dead language, but still exerting great linguistic influence over modern languages and actively used in, not only the field of academia such as medicine and taxonomy, but also legal circles and the republic of Vatican. Latin is playfully utilized in contemporary art, e.g. in translating children's classics or in the lyrics of such artists as for example Enigma.
Valid reasons for encouraging the teaching of Latin in schools: Latin develops analytical and linguistic abilities and provides insight into the roots of modern Western culture.

Gaius Valerius Catullus:

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. Nescio, sed fieri sentio, et excrucior.

Nuntii Latini - a compilation of news in Latin (by Finnish Latin scholars), updated frequently.

by Insert Name Here April 26, 2005

145👍 251👎


A "dead language" that almost nobody speaks anymore. Would take around 2 years to learn it fully if you have a good teacher and practice daily.

Some languages are based on Latin such as Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian Etc...

Even some words in English are based on Latin words like the word difficilis which means difficult.

Some people find this language hard to learn, lets be honest... It is.

Teacher- Kids take out your Latin notebooks!

All the kids in my class- Ugh! Not Latin!

by SuperiorRat April 27, 2020