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November 28

November 28 is a day where if your friends birthday is this day you should say happy birthday to them and then give them a hug.

Hey Moira happy birthday (gives hug)November 28

by Iloveholotaco November 27, 2019

November 28

be yourself

National be yourself day

Be yourself and do you

Do want to put so makeup on?”

“No I need to be myself because it’s November 28!”

Be yourself on November 28

by Theprettypeach✨🍑 October 26, 2019

77👍 15👎

November 28

Slap your siblings 10 times now you have a real reason to slap them

Sibling 1: hey come here *slaps*
Sibling 2: why did you do that.... Ohh its November 28 *slaps*

by Millie (milena) November 9, 2020

13👍 1👎

November 28

It's national get a boyfriend day!!

Poogen: November 28 it's national boyfriend day u know what that means I'm going to Ireland

by Poogen October 28, 2019

32👍 6👎

November 28

Kiss your friend day. When you see your friend kiss them!

Friend 1 :Dude why did you just kiss me!
Friend 2 :Bro don’t worry, it’s November 28th

by MissLittleButtHole November 28, 2019

12👍 1👎

November 28

If you’re a girl write ur boyfriend a paragraph telling them how much you appreciate them and how amazing they are

Boy: It’s November 28
Girl: oh no

by Belieber4ever1994 November 27, 2019

15👍 2👎

November 28

Happy you-grew-balls-and-asked-me-out day!

Girl:happy November 28th!
Boy: what’s so special about today?
Girl: come on, it’s about time you grew a pair and asked me out

by Alexthelion04 April 29, 2020