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Nutscaping is a photo-taking trend which involves dropping your trousers, whipping out some testicles (yours, if you have them), and gently hovering above the camera so your balls hang down like a majestic moon in the sky.

When Nutscaping at height use free hand to anchor.

by LiuskisLayskisLepakko October 31, 2015

1👍 2👎


The delicate art of taking a picture of a landscape with one's nuts hanging on top of it.

"Johnny, I don't want to see your holiday pics"
"We sleep together every night you moron; I see enough of your balls that I don't need to see your nutscaping pics"

by TonyYen November 9, 2015

1👍 2👎


The art of using ones testicles to add lighting change/photo filter to a picture. Also to add the effect of your nuts on the landscape.

I saw a beautiful sunset on my walk the other day, so I dropped my pants and eclipsed the sun by nutscaping.

by illektrikbill October 30, 2015