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Whims and fancies

Generally used as a derogatory phrase when someone wants something according to his/her wishes, no matter how unreasonable it may seem

We do not have to satisfy her whims and fancies.

by Kulkul August 9, 2019

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Whim Session

A whim session is when you and your friends decide to venture out of town for a drink somewhere new. May cause controversy with some drinking buddies as they’re set in their ways and prefer the same old local drinking establishments.

Trev - “Going for a few drinks at HB at 7. Best get yourself down!”
Alan “Not tonight thanks. Some of us are going for a bit of a whim session and checking out that new bar in Millaston. You’re welcome to join us, Ken’s driving.”
Trev- “You must be joking if you think I’ll be seen in a dump like that! Way too far, just come down to HB.”

by KennethRoberts September 18, 2018

Hustle whim

A fancy queef, a queef that comes from a lady of elegance.

Tom: I’m gonna dip my crumpets in your tea madam.
lily montgomerie: oh yes Tom, i will hustle whim all over myself.

by Corblixx September 7, 2018

Wicked whims

A sim mod when you are able to have your sims do dirty things. An example is having your sims at least a Teen have sex.

The wicked whims causes teen pregnancy every day.

by Bawston69 October 18, 2019

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whim whams

When you really like someone and things are going great, and then you suddenly don't like them anymore for no apparent reason, or start to find miniscule things that are with wrong with them that annoy you.

"Tom and I went on 6 dates and I was really starting to fall for him! Then I got the whim whams."

"I really, really, really like Michael, but... I've got a case of the whim whams. I decided that I actually don't like his beard or his cat or his shoes."

by Brenskins February 28, 2014

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Whicked Whims

Julia’s favourite mod

Julia: Whicked whims turns me on
Anna: Amazing

by joycebyers March 15, 2022

whim wham

Another word for vagina

Fuck me Karen, me whim wham just hasn’t been the same since I pushed out that massive melon headed kid’

by Havingarealnicetime June 25, 2019