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that one girl

that one girl is the girl everyone is afraid of. she is the biggest hoe and gets all the boys. she is not afraid to steal someone’s man, especially if that one girl and his girlfriend have beef. stay away from that one girl at all costs. they are not good

“why did you and tommy break up?” “that one girl stole him”

“who’s that one girl over there?” “oh she’s a man steal. his your mans from her”

by that one girl’s one girl November 15, 2018

10👍 17👎

That one girl

That One girl at your table for lunch that everyone doesn’t like but is to scared to ask her to leave. When you and your friends are whispering then you start laughing you will join in on the laughs nd when you are talking to someone besides her she will lean in and stare at you while you are talking. She is also the one girl that no one likes in the grade and you sit at the only table that won’t be mean and tell her to leave. She is also the girl that always texts everyone in the grade to come over but turns out only getting three people.

Oh look at that one girl sitting at the table with those girls
She looks weird and is trying to join in on the conversation!

by Anonymous True Person February 20, 2019

8👍 15👎

Number One Guy/Girl

The person you (routinely) get urine from in case you need to pass regular drug tests

I have a drug test coming up so I'll have to call my Number One Guy/Girl to see if they'll be able to give me a sample so I can pass.

by Untimelyzephyr June 27, 2021

One Girl Syndrome

When you are drunk and with a large group of friends and there is only one female with you, all the males will try and pull her regardless of looks, availability etc.

John: Last night Amanda lost her virginity, usually she doesn't get any attention from guys but the lads were suffering from one girl syndrome.

by scottblabla April 16, 2009

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Shes one of those girls who think her crap dont stink.

a girl that thinks shes all that, and drags her boyfriend around and treats him badly

Julie: omgggggg did you see that girl
sammy: yeahh shes one of those girls who think her crap dont stink.

by K-ROTH January 21, 2007

18👍 7👎

ginger one from Girls Aloud

Nicola Roberts.
Nicola Roberts used to be known as the "ginger" or "ugly" one of crappy girls pop group Girls Aloud.
She then got incredibly attractive, sexy, beautiful and is the second most successful of the bunch and she's probably better off as she didn't get cheated on and didn't get malaria.

I'd bone the ginger one from Girls Aloud
She's a bit of a Nicola.

by radiogasm February 28, 2011

19👍 9👎

one girl harem

When you want to give her existence a high importance and multiply her qualities (if she even has any) even if you're messin' and actually want around 15 bitches on your dick.

"yeah one fuckboy pickup line can get you lots of vajayjay"
"i'll make it a one girl harem for you'

by Comradickal February 28, 2018