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This is the nickname of actor Michael Angarano (aka, Jacks son in Will&Grace). This word is used among people who don't know how to say Michael's last name. Most comonly used amoung Kristen Stewart fans and Twilight fans.

Girl 1: Oregano is SOO hott!!!
Girl 2: He's so hotter than Rpatz

by kstew115 July 2, 2009

26πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


Oregano is the awesomely cool best friend of Salt. Together the two make an odd, but hilarious team. He has an amazing sense of humor and is also a great fella all around. He can be found in his natural suroundings in the Avatar Talk subforum of Gaia Online.

Oregano wowed the room with his brilliance.

by Labtech X March 15, 2005

22πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


1. A common culinary herb, it has an aromatic, warm, and slightly bitter taste. Currently it sees the most use in Italian-American cuisine.

2. A funny way of saying 'Original', usually said in a sarcastic way.

1. Person: This oregano is pretty good on my spaghetti.
2. Person: Great joke, really oregano.

by spaghetti with tomato sauce November 26, 2014

2πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

oregano prank

a random act of douchebaggery; an arbitrary, pointless prank. originated from a myth where a group of tricksters would fill dime bags with scrunched-up oregano to imitate bags of weed, which they left at popular smoking spots. stoners finding the bags would soon cheer their good fortune and then lament their awful fortune upon realizing they had smoked a culinary herb.

douchebag: "mikhail just asked me to get him some coca cola, but i know he hates diet, and since the diet and regular varieties are visually indistinguishable, i will fill his cup with diet coke and watch him react in disgust when he drinks it!"

normal person: "you are such a child. grow up and stop pulling oregano pranks"

by well_hey_there_guy! June 21, 2010

27πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Oregon Oregano

The type of weed everyone in Boise smokes.

Hey man, let’s pick up some Oregon Oreganoβ„’ this weekend.

by Fred Sampson December 11, 2022

lord oregano

a godly entity, origins going back to Manitoba Canada. with powers beyond knowledge of any man combined. it is able to control axolotls. if you evoke their name three times you will awaken him from his endless slumber and he will befriend you, for eternity.

friend #1: "lord oregano!"
friend #2: "shhhh, don't speak his name, nobody can tolerate his friendship!"
friend #1: "oh man i thought you were kidding"
friend #2: "lord oregano is not a joke."
friend #1: "sorry man"
friend #2: " just don't let it happen again"

by Godly Salamander November 21, 2019

california oregano


Friend: "I'm not really hungry"
Me: "Use the California Oregano"
Friend: Oh

by Henry IIX February 20, 2014