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A replacement term for cumdump. When you come inside a man, he becomes an orphanage. Applies to both the bussy and the thrussy.

Jim asked David if he wanted his load. David exclaimed “Yes, Daddy, make me an orphanage.”

by Teresa St. Clair December 29, 2022

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sock orphanage

The container or receptacle used to store all the socks that become orphaned when their mates mysteriously disappear during the laundry cycle.

Jerry was able to "adopt" 21 pairs of socks during his year-end clean up of his sock orphanage. The remaining orphaned socks were euthanized.

by Sock Man December 27, 2010

Chipotle Orphanage

When you walk into a restroom and all the toilets have chipotle childs in them, you have just stumbled upon a chipotle orphanage.

Dude, I went to take a crap and all the toilets had unflushed chipotle childs in them, this place must be a chipotle orphanage as no one is claiming them.

by Goatoghillgary December 2, 2016

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Butt Orphanage

The act of cumming in a ladies hind quarters as the man is leaving his children in a rectal orphanage.
Term coined by BBGodlike on Feb 20th, 2017 during a Xbox Live conversation with his friends.
Also makes an awesome band name, I deserve royalties if you use it.lol

James: Yo how'd your session with Susie go?
Arnold: She was down for whatever, even let me take it to the Butt Orphanage !

by BBGodlike February 21, 2017

Online Orphanage

A person who claims to live a perfect life on social media especially Twitter but is infact very hungry offline

Don't go out on a date with a guy because you are Hungry, don't be an online Orphanage

by oyimzy April 5, 2020

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hotbox the orphanage

when we get bored we hotbox the orphanage and it’s dope as fuck

“hey milly im bored
me too let’s go hotbox the orphanage”

by urmominanorohanage May 6, 2019

call the orphanage

to call the orphanage and tell them to take someone away. this person can be anywhere between the ages of fetus-rotting corpse. RAWR XP

if you shit yourself one more time i'm gonna call the orphanage

by sexybeastbbq February 14, 2020