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National Chase Your Bf out the door day

October 31 2019

Peyton:iโ€™m leaving
Rhegan:No iโ€™m sorry even though i did absolutely nothing
i call this one national chase your bf out the door day

by Sammueeelllll November 2, 2019

one foot on a banana peel and the other one out the door

To be in a very precarious position, most commonly used when a person is in imminent danger of being fired from their job.

The way John has been fucking up at work lately, I wouldn't be surprised if he has one foot on a banana peel and the other one out the door.

by Libertine October 4, 2005

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hop out the four door

A part of big shaq's famous song called man's not hot. He hops out a car with four doors

Hop out the four door, with a .44 and it was 1, 2, 3 and 4.

by Small shaq November 27, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

push the snake out the back door

Taking a shiznazzle. Dropping the Cosby's off at the pool. Firing off a missle. Pinching a loaf. Breaking one off. Pooping. Shitting. A thick fart.

Oh snap, I went to toot and accidentally pushed the snake out the back door.

by bt March 5, 2003

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in and out through the back door

in and out through the back door is the way a guy fucks another dude in his asshole.

I was asleep, but Matt went in and out through the back door anyway!

by USAF Cadet July 25, 2021

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Hopping out of the ford door

Lyrics used in Big Shaq's "mans not hot" song.

Alex: What's your favorite lyric in any song?

Adam: "Hopping out of the ford door" by Big Shaq

Alex:Me too

by XxCringy_COD_gamer69xX April 4, 2018

Watch Out For The Doors

Using a door as a weapon (accidentally or not) by slamming it into someone.

*Terroriser gets crushed by a door*

"Watch out for the doors, folks. They're not just a great band -- They'll kill you!"

by Someone who kinda exists March 13, 2022