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Like the abbreviation bi for bisexual, pan is an abbreviation for pansexual.
Pan generally refers to the sexual orientation of someone that can love or be attracted to a person of any sex, not just females or males, including but not limited to males, females, transexuals, tansvestites, gender benders, hermaphrodites, intersexuals, androgenous people, and those with sex-chromosome anomaly such as klinefelter syndrome or turner syndrome.

I do not restrict myself to only men or women, as many people do not claim to be either.

Girl one: I'm straight.
Girl two: I'm bi.
Girl three: I'm pan.

(so the straight one's pretty much screwed)
((just not literally...))

by once[again] March 19, 2007

704πŸ‘ 266πŸ‘Ž

The Pan

Referencing the movie "Hook", The Pan refers to a person who is awesome and contains all the great qualities you could want in someone.

I think Kat is the Pan.

by Stephen J. M. October 28, 2005

32πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Pan is the son of Hermes (Mercury).

Pan is the god of flocks, pastures, fields, and forests – often portrayed as playing the (seductive) Pan’s pipes.

by β™« Highway to Hell β™« August 4, 2010

377πŸ‘ 189πŸ‘Ž


A better way to soak someone during a water fight.

Lizzy loves panning people in the face.

by SpamUp___ June 20, 2010

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


n. Abbv. of the Spanish word "panocha."

adj. Abbv. of the Spanish word "panocha" (trans. "pussy"), used to describe a cowardly person.

n. "Man she had a nice pan!"

adj. "Addie, you're such a pan!"

by HurricaneRemo February 22, 2006

383πŸ‘ 232πŸ‘Ž

The Pan

Losing so much weight since your friends last saw you

Woah is that josh? He has done the pan

by Penis McFiddlewopper November 19, 2019

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Slang for masturbation. Named for a legendary masturbator who rumor has it panned for four hour straight furiously.

*Knock Knock*
*shuffling noise*
Dude Ed went home for the weekend. Allen is so panning in there.

by Repsaj Kuo June 29, 2009

48πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž