“What’s two times a parable?”
“Gay men. You’ve told me this joke a thousand times.”
Some damn brit that narrates a guy named Stanley who's employee 427 and probably drinks tea and says end is never the end or something
The Narrator From The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is a brit. And I HATE British people.
The Stanley Parable 2 Emotional Support Bucket™️ Is a item obtainable in the hit game The Stanley Parable 2 Ultra Deluxe™️.Its found in the expo hall and when held, gives the holder extreme comfort and warmth. During the broom closet ending, you can even give it nice stickers. there are many ways to find and or lose the bucket. with it spawning in the open office room upon completing the expo, unlocking lots of new endings.
"You see Stanley, anytime your holding the Stanley Parable 2 Emotional Support Bucket™️ a sense of calm and ease will fill your mind and your heart" -Narrator