Source Code


Small, green vegetable

I eat peas.

by MoJo April 19, 2003

116๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


Shorthand way of writing "Phenethylamine", an alkaloid and monoamine. Phenethylamines are a family of compounds that include neurotransmitters, hormones, stimulants, 'hallucinogens' and psychedelics, entactogens and empathogens, anorectics, bronchodilators, and antidepressants.

In the chemical index section of Alexander Shulgin's book Pihkal, the word phenethylamine is replaced by the abbreviation "PEA".

Examples of PEA's: Dopamine, (Nor)epinephrine or adrenaline, various amphetamines, MDA/MDMA, Mescaline, DOx's, 2C's, and so on.

by (Om) April 5, 2008

62๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person that is loveable and they are cute and you just want to give them a big hug!!!

Awww Katie I love you, you are such a pea!!!!

by Maddie August 9, 2004

77๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


A small orb like vegetable which belongs to the family of vegetables called Green Things, the latin name for which is Peamus.
Peas can be shot out of tubes from your mouth or buttocks via a tube at unsuspecting passers-bye. This practice was first used by the Irish sailors who's boats could not carry loads heavier than a sack of potatoes. Instead of firing cannonballs and enemy ships, they peppered them with peas. However, as they were not frozen, they merely dissintegrated upon impact.

Another use for peas are for motorists. They can be placed inbetween the grooves in tyres to make makeshift slick tyres. This use for peas was again invented by the Irish who are usually too poor to buy slick tyres.

Man 1:Look at that chaps tyres, they are green!
Man 2:Yes my fellow homosapien, the man infront does indeed have green tyres, he has makeshift slick tyres.
Man 1:Oh I wish I was as cool as him.
Man 2:One day you shall be, one day.

by Ruairi Mccarthy December 7, 2003

87๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


Noun- A Group composed of 6 members, formed on May 1st, 1994 (The birth of the final Pea, where all the Peas were united on Earth for the first time). Said to be some of the most exotic, unique, free-formed, popular, academic, prestigious, and sexy mother fuckers since the beginning of time. Members of this super group are known as the โ€œPeasโ€. These Peas rival against a wanna-pea group known as the โ€œPaciesโ€. Ritual meetings between the two groups are the 2nd, 4th, and 9th Saturday of every month, this meeting is called (Yada Yada Yada) P2 night.

The basic lowdown on the Peas: There are some means of communication A.K.A the Pea Lingo. It all began with the word CYA and continued with the most recent Gag Reflex. Peas are known for their spunky, sprightly personalities. They seem to have a few haters, but really jealousy is the reason behind it all. There are some prestigious Pea worshipers, in other words, Pextras: Embryo, Corbin-Pea, and Heity (A present Pacifier, but fits in quite well with his frazzling personality.) Some activities the Peas participate in are cuddling, getting shwasted, noshilating nanners, Cazzys (where all meetings take place), and an infinite amount of others. These members are blood sisters, best friends, and Peas 4 Lyfe. K ;;;;;;;;; PRP


Wow, I wish I could be part of the Peas.

by 8/ January 20, 2011

17๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


the amount of weed/mrijuana/cron/dope you pack in the peatube of your bong to smoke

yo guy lemme pack a pea

by phatsho November 30, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cult of homely housewives obsessed with scrapbooking. They call themselves peas in reference to the web site message board they fight with each other on.

A pea is someone who doesn't have a life but pretends to by creating scrapbooks of staged family moments.

A pea is someone who lives in a trailer but owns a $1000 dRebel camera because every other pea has one.

A pea is someone who will stick a Diva Cup up her crotch because all the other peas bragged wonderful it is.

A pea spends her life creating the perfect image to make her life seem grander than it is.

by Pealina September 16, 2006

84๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž