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Penalty for ocon

A phrase some F1 viewers have started saying when any incident happens on the track due to Ocon being abused by the FIA.

this in reference to the 2023 Bahrain GP in which driver Esteban Ocon picked up 3 driving infringement penalties in the course of just one race.

The joke now is that any incident that takes place should be a penalty to Ocon, the phrase is even more unfortunate now as of the 2023 Austrian GP, where Ocon received 30s of penalties for track limits.

Person 1: whoa Perez just pushed verstappen onto the grass

Person 2: 5s penalty for Ocon!

by BruhXDRoflLMAOLOL July 3, 2023

penalty merchant

the definition of penalty merchant is lionel messi in the Qatar 2022 world cup

leo messi likes to teach his teammates how to dive in the pen area so he could preform his favorite football activity: penalty merchanting.
β€œi won the world cup with 7 penalties” -lionel messi

by cheettoz December 14, 2022

401πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

penalty merchant

a term used to describe football players known for awarded penalty kicks, rather than regular goals.

penalty kicks are seen by some as easy, and require less effort unlike normal goals. people see players with lots of awarded penalties as unskillful.

person 1: damn bruh haaland just got a penalty
person 2: penalty merchant

by soepicchill July 20, 2023

44πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Penalty Hold

Call Center term - the act by an agent of putting a caller on hold as punishment for being stupid or otherwise annoying. Duration of penalty hold is a function of how irritating the caller is being.

Caller: well I want you to bla bla bla because I'm important and you're just a peon and bla bla bla...

Agent (smiling): Just a moment, Ma'am, let me see what I can do for you (places call on hold)

Cube-mate: Hey, are you on break?

Agent: Naw, I've got a caller on a five-minute penalty hold.

- - -

Agent 1: Don't you hate it when they start demanding shit like they're entitled?

Agent 2: Yeah! I usually give them at least three minutes penalty hold.

by phxphun1 August 1, 2008

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Penalty Shotgun

A term stemming from a CU Boulder student's frustration with unpunished party fowls.

Anyone who commits a party fowl is required to get on one knee and shotgun a beer without delay. Any beer will do, but the cheaper/shittier the better. This is the only acceptable action to make up for spilling beer, not finishing a shot, or other fowls designated by the providers of the liquor and/or head(s) of the house/venue.

Self-administered penalty shotguns are not only acceptable but encouraged. Refusal of a penalty shotgun results in immediate removal from the party and well deserved embarrassment

A freshman walks into your party asks for a shot of Takaa Liquor (vodka or gin) and fails to take the entire shot:
"Ohhhh, you bitch! Penalty shotgun, right here ladies and gentlemen, he can't even finish a single shot! Someone get me a Keystone Light right now! Ok, take a knee you cocksucker, this is your one and only chance for redemption"

by timeis$ July 15, 2011

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

death penalty

An "eye for an eye" method of criminal punishment in which the criminal is put to death prematurely. There are many different ways of carrying out the death penalty. The earliest were gas chambers, after that they were replaced by firing squads and the electric chair, and today the lethal injection is the most common one.

Random death penalty fact: Utah is the only state that still executes by firing squad.

by Party Pooper May 9, 2005

312πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

Penalty pastry

The worst form of Latino punishment. Its given you those who are bad and it could be filled with anything bad like paint, crayons, or even razor blades. If you refuse to eat it people are legally allowed to hit you in the face as hard as they want for up to eight years.

Maxwell if you don't start behaving well will give you a penalty pastry

by Real-person October 17, 2018