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beastly; insanely awesome

"That hat is so Peruvian!"

"You look very Peruvian today."

by schra December 16, 2008

350๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž


A good looking person who was born in Peru. They have a great sense of humor. A peruvian is usually very smiley and attractive for their unic castilian accent. A peruvian person is always polite and probably considered the most friendly people of South America.

Peru is one of the most multiethnic contries. There are mestizos peruvians(about 37% of the total population).
The term traditionally denotes European ancestry (mostly spaniard or Italian ancestry)and Amerindian, and most Peruvian mestizos are of this combination, but other lineages (Asian and African) are also present.

X: dude that girl has a hot accent and an amazing smile
y: yeah she is peruvian

by perulover March 19, 2009

373๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž


Peruvian: Person coming from Peru ( country in south america bordering with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, and the Pacific Ocean). Peruvians r very cool people. No we r not mexicans obviously, and neither do we look chinese although u can find some chinese people in Perus capital city Lima, as well as people from a variety of backgrounds. in a few words w r the coolest ppl in South America. One more thing we r not the ones known for cocaine ( thats Colombia).

Peruvian: Hola chochera( slang for friend)en q t puedo ayudar.
American: Vendeme un kilo de Coca
Peruvian: Te equivocaste causa ( another slang word for friend) Colombia ta al costado.

by PeruvianPrince March 31, 2009

261๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person born in the beautiful country of Peru, hard-working, fun to be with, great cooks, awesome dancers,warm-hearted, they love to joke and make people feel good , very friendly some are quite stubborn though but manageable...tanned,they aren't neither chinese nor Phillipino like .. they are a mix of several cultures and backgrounds black, spanish, european,etc each with an attractive feature which makes them so unique. There are blonde Peruvians, black Peruvian, brunnettes, green-eyed,blue-eyed,black-eyed..I LOVE PERU!! for those gawjus ladies and great cuisine, their music is all art, they should be proud of everything that means and is Peruvian... Period.

Peruvian to Foreigner: Necesita ayuda amigo?
Foreigner: Yes please, Where can I find...?
Peruvian:AHH Here!Aqui!( Showing him where the Pisco is sold) Pisco: Peruvian alcoholic beverage made of grapes.

by PSPS December 28, 2007

558๐Ÿ‘ 255๐Ÿ‘Ž


An intelligent and hard working person. A great warrior and a savage fighter.
Someone who kicked the shit out of the American military not too long ago.

I wish I was Peruvian!

by Muhammed Jafar (I'm a Peruvian Muslim) August 21, 2003

874๐Ÿ‘ 484๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone born or whose parents were born in Peru. The people are nice, great cooks, and they love to party. They're mostly short but some can be tall. Peruvians are usually confused for black, asian, or European. Most of the men are not so good looking. But there are some who are handsome. The woman are usually pretty but as they age they start to gain weight. Peruvians are all hardworking and most are stubborn but usually not violent. Being peruvian is the new thing these days.

Jake: Hey do you see that asian over there?
Jessica: No that's a peruvian.
Jake: What? I coulda sworn it was an asian.

by AdventureMonster July 20, 2011

65๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


non-fluorescent light bulbs

Q. Why are non-fluorescent light bulbs called "Peruvian"?
A. Because they are Incan descent.

by miguelbauerepicfailyaknow April 20, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž