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phantom dick pain

The sudden intense pain a female experiences when observing a punch or otherwise painful stimuli to the male genital region

Vic: did you see that video of the San Francisco player that got his johnson grabbed in a tackle?
Cay: yeah, I had serious phantom dick pain from watching and I don't even have one of those things

by neverscurred January 27, 2014

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phantom dick energy

(P.D.E.) - when a person thinks or acts like they have "big dick energy", but really has "small (or no) dick energy."

He thinks he's about to smash, but he really has that phantom dick energy about him that he can't seem to shake!

by maryncanary November 3, 2023

Phantom Dick

When after getting your male reproductive organ removed you still feel as if it there, yet you know its not there

Im annoyed at how I can still feel my Phantom Dick after the operation

by Miercolesdecaida August 10, 2022

the dick phantom

a magic elf that lives in store bought condoms that uncomfortably manoeuvres your dick in a painful direction during sex

James: I was having sex with Christopher up the ass and I then I got surprised by the dick phantom
Sarah: oh that's terrible is your dick ok?

by dickhandlerdickthe boiiiiiiiii November 1, 2017

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