Source Code

Photo Bombshell

A woman who looks more attractive in a photograph than she ever looks in real life. Photo=hot. Real Life=Nasty.

Man #1: "Look at Ashley's profile pic. She's pretty hot huh?"

Man #2: "That's Ashely? I just saw her yesterday and was thinking how ugly she was"

Man #1: "Really?"

Man #2: "Yeah she must be a Photo Bombshell."

by Sundaydriver101 August 15, 2011

95๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

photo dump

when someone has way too much photos on their phone and they upload them to instagram, regardless if they combine or make sense.

I finally was able to post on instagram! it was easier for me as i made a photo dump

by understandbitch November 16, 2020

135๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A evolved photo-bomb so heavy, so terrifying, so nerve-wrenching it's not worth seeing.

Jake: Hey Dad, look at this photo

Dad: My "God" is that a, why is there a, I see a


Dad: It's a penis

by TheManlyMan May 2, 2013

photo finish

(n) an urgent need to defecate, usually associated with diarrhea, in which the bowels begin to move before the victim has reached the shitter

As Bob raced down the hallway, he clenched his butt-cheeks together as tightly as he could to stave the impending explosion of fecal matter. This was definitely going to be a photo finish.

by BeardedFatass January 6, 2004

138๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Photo Bomber

A photo bomber is someone who either intentionally or unintentionally ruins an otherwise normal photo.
The "photo bomber" will be doing such things as: making faces, gestures, naked, or getting naked, in a costume, or doing some other equally hilarious action.

The photo bomber will usually work in the background of the photo. Some of the more ballsy photo bombers will go as far as being within inches behind or even next to the people in the picture , or in rare cases, run in FRONT of the photo.

The most ideal way to photo bomb is to successfully ruin their photo without letting the people know that you are forever ruining what could have been an amazing photo and memory, except you're sitting on a bench 15 yards behind them while you purposely have your cock and balls hanging out the top of your shorts while you eat an ice cream cone seductively.

Mom: Hey kids! I got the photos back from when we flew 1500 miles to Disney Land for our vacation!

Kids: Oh here's the picture of where we got to take a picture of all the Disney characters with us! This is our favorite picture ever!!!

Mom: Why is that man standing behind Goofy with his pants down and holding his penis with one hand pretending to ram Goofy in the ass with it?

And then the kids are forever traumatized. They will never see Disney character the same way again. And Disney Land will forever be tainted with visions and repressed memories that wont surface till they're in their 30's when their own kids say " I want to go to Disney Land!!!". And then you will murder you family after you go insane from repressed memories, go to prison where you will die of AIDS in your late 40's.

This would be the successful work of a "photo bomber" and/or a "photo bomb".

by Kas3y is 1337 August 24, 2008

366๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Myspace Photo

Any photo taken by photographing oneself in the bathroom mirrior.

I took my myspace photo in the bathroom.

by Pete December 27, 2005

366๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who sneaks into the background of a person or group of people posing for a picture, usually making a face or picking their nose, totally unbeknownst to the photographer.

Sometimes, the savvy photo-imposer will even squeeze in with a group of friends posing for a *guest phtographer.

Guy showing off pictures at work- "Here we are in New York, see the Statue of Liberty behind us?"
Co-worker- "Yeah, but whos that guy next to you scratching his nuts?"

Bill: Here we are at Joe's party, what a blast!
Dave: Who the hell is the guy next to you putting his tounge in your ear???
Bill: Damn photo-imposer, Janet said he grabbed her ass during the picture.

by topsidejoe September 18, 2007