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Photocopier-fixing skills

One who has the ability to fix a photocopy machine with ease. See "wizard" or "magician" or "awesomeness".

Perverted boss: "Oh my god, I tried to print out a nude photo of myself humping a desk, but the photocopier seems to have jammed!"

Audrey: "Did I hear paper jam? Don't touch anything boss, I have great photocopier-fixing skills, leave it to me" *fixes photocopier*

Perverted boss: "Good job! Now I think I have a problem with my penis, can you fix that too?"

by Supplanter (yeah boy!) September 6, 2006

7👍 1👎

go to the photocopier

In an open plan office is a term for "have you got 5mins I need a confidential chat". Usually, an e-mail sent peer to peer, so no one else knows the reason you both getting up and leaving the room.

Hey, that really @@@sed me off I could do with a chat lets "go to the photocopier" for a quick chat.

by Robbiebee January 28, 2018