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Pillow Case Ruiner

A woman with caked on make-up, usually found frequenting clubs and bars. When you take them home to bang them, you wake up in the morning with a ruined pillow-case from their massive amounts of make-up being rubbed off.

So after I banged that Pillow Case Ruiner last night I had to go out and buy some new pillow cases! Shit was nasty!

by FrattinHardCMU May 5, 2011

pillow case face

a face when you cover up with a pillow case, when you're having sex, because the girl is ugly, but has a hot body.

That chick last night had a pillow case face, but has a sexy body.

by John McPimp July 30, 2009

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Empty pillow case

A description to use when explaining the incomprehensible size of a womans sex organ.

Rod: So go on what was she like.
Tim: Rod, that old bitches snatch was the size of an empty pillow case.

by MickLinge March 16, 2006

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pillow-case cum-stains

pillow-case cum stains are the tell-tale ivory-colored remainders of cumgasms that a guy gets all over his wonder-pillow when he fucks it and blows his load.

When I was a teenager, my Mom asked me what the stains were on my pillow-case -- I didn't tell her they were pillow-case cum-stains -- I told her they must be slobber stains of mine made when I was asleep!

by USAF Cadet September 8, 2021

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Pillow case

A way for a guy to ask for a tit pic.

Can I have your pillow case please

by Plobbre December 5, 2019

doo doo on the pillow case

The song of discovering an unwanted gift on your pillowcase;bedding

David: Doo doo, doo doo on the pillow case

Amy: You is nasty, David!

by DNAKERN February 28, 2023

Shitty pillow case

When your flatmate breaks in to everyone's room to leave shits in mysterious places, you then respond by taking a shitty pillow case and beating them with it. Thus a shitty pillow case

Had a right shitty pillow case roommate moment last night.

by Dick sleve October 8, 2018