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The Platter

A drunken prank of knowingly shitting on one's toilet lid to be discovered later by a unsuspecting person. Usually done at a friends house you just don't give a fuck about or at a random house party. Basically one upping the Upper Deck.

Dude go check out the platter I just left in the bathroom, grab your shit let's get out of here .
Who the fuck left the platter in my bathroom, I went to take a piss and all I see is a shit mound on the toilet lid.

by 9 1/2 Limp, magine dat!!! December 17, 2010

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A well-trained woman that remains motionless on a table while you eat raw fish off her naked body.

"Bitch, you best be a platter and not move or I'll cut you into sashimi."

by Big Dong Shlong December 17, 2011

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1. A set of cans (rack) that defies gravity, as if supported by, or served up on platters.

One monstrous set of platters is almost
too much for any man.

by pmc November 2, 2002

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Cincinnati Platter

Combines best of both worlds...a golden shower and cleveland steamer performed simultaneously. This will satisfy the biggest of appetites.

Dom went to visit KB in DC and unbeknownst to him she was planning to perform a Cincinnati Platter, he enjoyed it immensely.

by WhoDey10 January 17, 2010

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A paki-platter consists of a shawarma (sandwich-like wrap of shaved lamb, goat, chicken, turkey or beef) accompanied by rice, potatoes, tabouleh, tahini, hummus or any other Arab side-dishes. Now being a fast-food staple all across the world, the main course of the paki-platter has the distinction of being served with a lot of garlic sauce. Therefore, anyone who eats a paki-platter will temporarily have a condition called "garlic breath".

"Hey Dude, I'm hungry, let's go get some paki-platters."

"Dude, your breath reeks of garlic...did you just eat a paki-platter?"

"Wow, this lemon kush gave me the munchies. I think I'll go eat a paki-platter."

by jsgee07 October 6, 2011

poopoo platter

Poopoo platter is a variation on name of the the Chinese dish; pupu platter. Poopoo platter refers to a load of shit left in a toilet thoughtfully left for you by the previous occupant. Generally by the time you've discovered the delicacy, it's turned the toilet water a murky brown, as the turds have started to disintegrate.

Hey asshole, didn't your mother teach you how to flush a toilet?! The next time I find a load of your poopoo platter left in the toilet, you're gonna eat it!

by Big Ed Moustapha June 22, 2009

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Pittsburgh Platter

To deficate on a glass table while someone watches from below.

She squatted out a hot steamy Pittsburgh Platter for me

by Anonymous February 14, 2003

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