Pontiac was an automobile brand that was established in 1926.Quickly overtaking its parent in popularity, it supplanted the Oakland brand entirely by 1933.On April 27, 2009, amid ongoing financial problems and restructuring efforts, GM announced it would discontinue the Pontiac brand by the end of 2010.The last Pontiacs were built in late 2009, with the final dealer franchises expiring October 31, 2010.
P.oor O.ld N.igger T.hinks I.ts A. C.adillac
Man I used to love my old Pontiac
32๐ 14๐
Poor Old Nigga Thinks Its A Caddilac
That poor old nigga thinks that Pontiac is a Chadic!
43๐ 20๐
THE most effective torque monsters ever produced, a brand that at one point in time dominated both NASCAR and the NHRA. Manufacturers of some of the sexiest cars ever created and crushed by general motors executive management and the federal government's non driving car czars. Only if there were more men like John Delorean, Jim Wangers, and Pete Estes who decided it was easier to ask forgiveness than permission and snuck the GTO out the back door.
Man 1 "What does the front of a Pontiac look like?"
Man 2 "I don't know I've only ever seen the tail lights."
Moron "Hey you know what Pontiac stands for?"
Intelligent Person "Please only nice tits in and around car."
62๐ 41๐
Poor old nigger thinks its a cadilac.
The Poor old man thought the pontiac was a Cadilac.
304๐ 231๐
'Poor ol guinea wishes he could afford a car'
Hey, look at that kids..The guy who couldnt even afford a 1974 used gremlin was found on urban dictionary putting down pontiacs, even though he could never afford to buy or drive one. HA
No wonder youre out of work and have no money, you must spend all your free time on urban dictionary hating.
460๐ 375๐
p- poor
o- old
n- nigger
t- thinks
i- it's
a - a
c- caddilac
man that nigga thinks that crappy pontiac is a nice caddy
286๐ 253๐
Acronym for:
A Pontiac is a crappy car, only deigned to look good with one purpose in mind, to be slow as hell and shitty in performance.
217๐ 206๐